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Genshin Impact: Strategies to Defeat the Marcel Trial

How to Defeat the Trial Against Marcel in Genshin Impact

If you’re struggling to defeat Marcel in Genshin Impact, we’ve got you covered. Marcel is a challenging boss that requires careful strategy and precise execution to overcome. Follow these tips to improve your chances of victory:

Focus on Character Elemental Combinations

One of the key mechanics in Genshin Impact is the ability to trigger elemental reactions by combining different characters’ abilities. Against Marcel, it’s crucial to take advantage of this feature. Experiment with various elemental combinations to deal maximum damage and exploit Marcel’s weaknesses.

Utilize Cryo and Electro Characters

Marcel is a creature made of stone, which means he is weak to Cryo (ice) and Electro (lightning) elements. Having characters with these abilities in your team will give you a significant advantage in the battle. Freeze Marcel with Cryo attacks and then quickly follow up with powerful Electro abilities to chip away his health.

Attack During Vulnerable States

Marcel has some moments of vulnerability during the fight. When he performs certain attacks or abilities, he exposes himself to damage for a short period. Pay close attention to these openings and unleash your strongest attacks during these moments. This will maximize your damage output and expedite the battle.

Upgrade and Equip Your Weapons

Before facing Marcel, make sure to upgrade and equip your weapons properly. Having stronger weapons with higher damage can make a significant difference in defeating Marcel efficiently. Upgrade your weapons using the forging system and enhance them with weapon enhancement materials to increase their effectiveness.

By following these strategies and optimizing your team composition, you stand a better chance against Marcel in Genshin Impact. Remember to experiment and find the most effective tactics that suit your playstyle. Good luck!