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Getting the Dendroculus and increasing your jump height on Sumeru Mushroom in Genshin Impact

How to Jump Higher on Sumeru Mushroom: Get the Dendroculus in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact continues to captivate players with its vast and immersive world. Exploring new areas and uncovering secrets is a thrilling experience. One of the latest discoveries in the game is the Sumeru Mushroom, which allows players to reach new heights through its unique jump boost. In this guide, we will show you how to jump higher on the Sumeru Mushroom and obtain the hidden Dendroculus.

Locating the Sumeru Mushroom

To start your adventure towards increased jumping capabilities, you first need to find the Sumeru Mushroom. Luckily, it’s not too hard to come across these magnificent fungi. Head over to the Sumeru region, where you can find them scattered throughout the area. Look out for their distinct appearance with a vibrant cap and a tall stem.

Activating the Sumeru Mushroom’s Jump Boost

Once you spot a Sumeru Mushroom, it’s time to make use of its jump enhancing properties. Simply approach the mushroom, jump onto its stem, and witness your character being propelled into the air. This powerful boost will send you soaring higher than before, unlocking new areas and hidden secrets you couldn’t reach otherwise.

Obtaining the Dendroculus

Now that you have discovered the potential of the Sumeru Mushroom, there is one more valuable reward waiting to be obtained – the Dendroculus. These collectible plants are spread across the Genshin Impact world, with each region hiding its own set of Dendroculus.

To acquire the Dendroculus in the Sumeru region, use the Sumeru Mushroom’s jump boost to reach elevated locations and explore thoroughly. Keep an eye out for hidden alcoves, narrow platforms, or areas that were previously beyond your reach. By thoroughly exploring these newfound areas, you will stumble upon the Dendroculus and add another collectible to your growing inventory.

In conclusion, harnessing the power of the Sumeru Mushroom in Genshin Impact allows players to access higher areas and discover hidden treasures. By understanding how to activate the jump boost and strategically explore the surroundings, you can obtain the elusive Dendroculus and enhance your gaming experience. So, gear up and embark on this exciting journey to unveil the secrets of the Sumeru Mushroom in Genshin Impact.