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C9 Sneaky, TL Doublelift, FNC Caps, and FNC Rekkles will represent the NA LCS at All-Star 2018.

League of Legends All-Stars Voting Results Revealed: ADCs Dominate

The voting for the 2018 League of Legends All-Stars event has come to a close. Riot Games has released the results for the LCS regions, and it seems like ADCs have proved to be the fan favorites.

In North America, Yiliang “Doublelift” Peng of Team Liquid and Zachary “Sneaky” Scuderi of Cloud9 emerged as the top vote-getters. From Europe, Martin “Rekkles” Larsson secured the second place spot, while his Fnatic teammate Rasmus “Caps” Winther also made the cut.

In previous years, fans could vote for five players from each region, with one representative for each position. However, this year, the voting rules were changed, allowing only two players from each region. This made the voting process even more crucial.

Rekkles and Caps easily won the European vote, most likely due to their popularity playing for Fnatic. In North America, Doublelift and Sneaky barely beat out Cloud9’s top laner Eric “Licorice” Ritchie and TSM’s mid laner Søren “Bjergsen” Bjerg for the honor of representing their region. Notably, this will be the first time in years that Bjergsen will not be participating in the tournament.

While the voting results from other regions have not been revealed yet, South Korean star Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok is expected to secure a spot at the tournament. His teammate Bae “Bang” Jun-sik currently holds a narrow lead in second place. Bang also expressed his desire to do a cosplay with Sneaky if they both make it to the event.

In the LPL (China’s League of Legends Pro League), it appears that two Royal Never Give Up teammates, Jian “Uzi” Zi-hao and Liu “mlxg” Shi-yu, are the early favorites. With RNG being the region’s favored team, Uzi and mlxg have gathered a significant fanbase through their on-stream personalities.

Over the next few days, we will find out which players from the other regions will complete the 20-person roster. The All-Stars event is scheduled to take place from December 6 to 8 at the Esports Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada.