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ESL to Implement Drug Testing for Player Performance Enhancement

Drug Testing at ESL Cologne

The much-anticipated eSports event, ESL Cologne, will not only showcase top-tier Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) teams from around the world, but it will also implement drug testing for players.

ESL Cologne, taking place from July 3 to 18, aims to maintain a fair playing field for all participants. In their effort to ensure this, ESL will conduct thorough drug testing to detect any performance-enhancing substances that players may be using.

The decision to implement drug testing at ESL Cologne comes after increasing concerns in the eSports community regarding the use of performance-enhancing drugs. This move demonstrates ESL’s commitment to upholding the integrity of competitive gaming and ensuring fair competition.

It is important to note that the use of drugs in eSports is not a widespread problem. However, the implementation of drug testing will serve as a precautionary measure to address any potential issues and uphold the spirit of fair play.

ESL has enlisted the services of the Swedish drug-testing agency, NIDA, to conduct the drug tests. The agency specializes in conducting drug tests for various sports and has experience in the eSports industry.

The drug testing process will involve random selection of players throughout the tournament. Players will be notified by tournament officials if they are chosen for testing. The test will typically involve a urine sample, which will then be analyzed for a range of substances, including performance-enhancing drugs.

The results of the drug tests will be kept confidential, only to be shared with the player and relevant tournament officials. In the event of a positive test, the player may face disciplinary action, which can include disqualification from the tournament and potential bans from future competitions.

ESL Cologne’s decision to implement drug testing sets an important precedent for the eSports industry. By conducting these tests, ESL aims to provide a level playing field for all participants and maintain the integrity of competitive gaming.


ESL Cologne is taking a proactive approach to address any concerns regarding the use of performance-enhancing drugs in eSports. With the implementation of drug testing, ESL is demonstrating their commitment to fair play and upholding the integrity of competitive gaming. This move sets an important precedent for the eSports community and ensures that players can compete on a level playing field.