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Team WE secures a crucial win against G2 on day two of MSI

Hopes Crushed for G2 Esports in Match Against Team WE

G2 Esports had high hopes going into their match against Team WE, but unfortunately, WE’s superior team composition and gameplay dashed their optimism.

In many games, the outcome can often be determined during the champion select stage, and this game was no exception. Trick, G2’s jungler, tried to use Nunu as a support-style tank jungler instead of Ivern, but it turned out to be G2’s weakest pick. Unlike Ivern, Nunu lacks the utility to stun enemies, protect allies from damage, or make a significant impact in team fights. Instead, Nunu was simply another body to throw at the WE onslaught.

Despite a rough start, G2 managed to secure two quick kills in the bottom lane, giving them some early momentum. However, WE appeared disoriented and unfocused during the ensuing fight, leading some to believe that G2 could actually win with a Nunu jungle. Unfortunately, this was short-lived.

The game took a turn for the worse after that initial success. Xiye’s Kassadin and Ben’s Malzahar had reliable silences that often disrupted Nunu’s ultimate and Lulu’s protection on Kog’maw. Without his ultimate, Nunu became useless, and without protection, Kog’maw was easily defeated. As a result, G2’s damage output was significantly diminished.

As the game progressed, G2 was consistently outmatched in team fights by WE. The lead that WE had slowly but steadily grew. Eventually, WE capitalized on their advantage with a flawless Ashe ultimate followed by a Kled ultimate, allowing the entire team to quickly eliminate Zven.

G2’s fate was sealed with that fight, and the game became unmanageable for them. With a subpar team composition, they were unable to do anything as WE secured objective after objective. G2 ultimately gave up and allowed WE to end the game without much resistance by carelessly chasing xiye through the bot lane.

G2 was once considered one of the strongest teams in MSI, but this game exposed their vulnerabilities. It is now clear that any team, especially SKT, has a chance at taking over the tournament. SKT currently has an impressive record of three wins and no losses, making them the team to beat.

G2 Esports, Team WE, match, team composition, gameplay, champion select, Nunu, Ivern, weakest pick, utility, team fights, Kog’maw, damage output, team fights, Ashe ultimate, Kled ultimate, objective, SKT, MSI, vulnerabilities, tournament.