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Hauntzer and Svenskeren will remain with TSM for 2017

Team SoloMid had a great year. Despite their disappointment in Worlds, TSM demonstrated that they can rebuild and become major threats on an international level.

Team owner Andy “Reginald” Dinh recently announced the official re-signing of top laner Kevin “Hauntzer” Yarnell and jungler Dennis “Svenskeren” Johnsen for the 2017 season. This decision will provide TSM with consistency in their lineup heading into next year.

It may seem counter-intuitive in the ever-changing world of esports to stick with a roster that underperformed in Worlds, but TSM has proven that they can go against convention. They brought back former ADC Jason “WildTurtle” Tran to compete with them at IEM, and now they are retaining Hauntzer and Svenskeren, who both bring unique and difficult-to-replace aspects to the team.

Hauntzer’s champion pool is a key asset for TSM. His versatility allows the team to prioritize other positions in the draft. Additionally, his ability to quickly learn new champions gives TSM the option to pick overpowered champions that he can excel with. He consistently performs well on various champions and synergizes well with the team.

Critics have pointed out that Hauntzer struggled with map awareness at Worlds, sacrificing farm and getting caught by the enemy team. However, this can be attributed to a team weakness rather than an individual flaw. Hauntzer can work on becoming an even more aggressive initiator and capitalize on TSM’s desired playstyle.

Svenskeren, on the other hand, is a fearless initiator. His mechanical skills on Lee Sin almost secured TSM’s first victory against Royal Never Give Up, which would have propelled them to the quarterfinals. Most importantly, Svenskeren has developed good synergy with Bjergsen and has learned how to play around his pressure. However, he needs to work on controlling the enemy jungler and consistently establishing vision. While he prefers a carry style of jungling, he can improve in the supportive aspects as well.

Some TSM fans may have hoped for changes after the Worlds exit, but retaining Hauntzer and Svenskeren gives the team the best chance to win in 2017. Furthermore, it provides a stable foundation for future growth and development.