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Chinese players face penalties for playing Fortnite beyond 3-hour limit

Chinese Players Penalized for Excessive Fortnite Gaming

Chinese players are facing penalties for playing Fortnite for more than three hours, according to a recent post on Reddit.

After playing for three hours, players can still access the game but experience a significant decrease in the experience rate and challenges are disabled.

A screengrab on the Fortnite subreddit, translated from Mandarin, states, “You have been playing for three hours, exp rate has dropped to 50 percent, and challenges have been disabled. For your health, please take a rest immediately and arrange your study time.”

Reddit users were confused by this new development and questioned if Chinese players will have enough time to reach tier 100 before the end of the season. Leveling up is already challenging at a regular pace, and without the help of challenges and the normal rate of experience, it becomes even more difficult.

Chinese players now face a dilemma: either limit their playing time or put in more effort to achieve the maximum tier. Dedicated players may choose to ignore the three-hour limit and continue playing. The pop-up message could ironically encourage players to spend more time playing Fortnite.

A Chinese Reddit user, U/SauCe-lol, commented, “The government issued a rule and decided to add this bullshit system. If you wanted to play video games, you have to link your ID card to your game account. If you’re under 18, they’ll limit your playtime by lowering XP gaining rate and even forcing you to get off.”

This system is not only implemented in Fortnite but in every game in the market. It is concerning for aspiring Chinese esports professionals and appears outdated and counter-productive.