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Hades Avoids WESG, subtLe Recruits knc1

SubtLe Faces Challenges as WESG Begins

It hasn’t been a great start to the year for Canadian esports team subtLe. One of their players, Paul “Nerdy” Gill, was recently VAC-banned, which means he can no longer compete in future esports competitions. This forced the team to bring in David “DAVEY” Stafford, who previously played for Splyce, to replace Nerdy. On top of that, Warren “hades” Rettich encountered visa issues and won’t be able to attend the upcoming competition.

Coach Matt Arnold Steps Up as a Stand-In

To compensate for hades’s absence, the team will use their coach, Matt “knc1” Arnold, as a stand-in player. Ellis “els” Clay, the team captain, took to TwitLonger to explain the situation in a post aptly titled “The hades Epidemic.”

The tl;dr version of Clay’s post is that hades repeatedly delayed getting his visa and provided false reasons for being unable to do so. Just a day before the team was supposed to travel to China, hades informed them that he couldn’t go, claiming that there was an unresolved issue at the consulate.

The Roster for WESG

Here is the lineup that subtLe will be fielding for the WESG competition:

  • Kyle “OCEAN” O’Brien
  • Ellis “els” Clay
  • Jonathan “Jonji” Carey
  • David “DAVEY” Stafford
  • Matt “knc1” Arnold

Will subtLe Succeed?

What are your thoughts on subtLe’s new roster? Do you think they have a chance to succeed at WESG? Let us know by commenting below or tweeting to us at @GAMURScom.