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Streamer utilizes superior intellect to conquer Elden Ring

The Amazing Feat: Streamer Beats Elden Ring Using Only Her Mind

The streaming community for Elden Ring never ceases to amaze, with players continuously pushing themselves to find unique ways to conquer the game. And this time, one streamer took it to a whole new level by beating the game using only the power of her brain.

If you’ve beaten the game, you might argue that you’re always using your brain when playing Elden Ring. After all, the game requires you to learn patterns and strategize. However, streamer Perri took it a step further by using an EEG connected to her brain to attack and heal, utilizing a controller solely for movement and dodging.

As reported by PC Gamer, Perri used an Electroencephalogram (EEG) as a controller, which reads her thoughts by detecting electrical activity in the brain. By imagining pushing something heavy forward, she translated it into an attack in Elden Ring through programming.

Perri’s achievement is truly impressive, but she’s not the only one who has beaten a Souls game in a unique way. Other streamers have conquered Elden Ring with dance pads, and one even beat Dark Souls 3 using bananas. It seems like the series has been beaten with all sorts of unconventional controllers, including bongos, drums, and guitars.

Perri has already revealed her next challenge, which includes tackling Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros., and the new Elden Ring DLC. But this time, she won’t be using a controller for movement; it’ll be all brain power.