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Takeaway from Ludwig’s experience: Attempting Twitch strategy on YouTube proves unsuccessful, prompting a new approach.

Ludwig Discovers Wrong Approach to Streaming on YouTube

Almost a year after switching to YouTube, Ludwig has realized that he has been streaming on the platform the wrong way. In an interview on The Iced Coffee Hour on Oct. 17, he revealed that he just recently figured out the correct approach.

The Twitch Mentality

Ludwig admitted that he had been streaming on YouTube as if he was still on Twitch. On Twitch, the focus is on having the most viewers in a category and streaming for long periods of time. This strategy can lead to accumulating “dead viewers” who have the stream playing in the background but are not engaged. However, it helps to stay at the top of the category and attract more viewers. Ludwig unintentionally streamed on Twitch a few times after moving to YouTube.

The YouTube Difference

YouTube operates differently than Twitch. There are no categories to browse and select a specific game stream to watch. Instead, the platform’s algorithm suggests streams based on viewers’ interests. Ludwig realized that creating a stream with good watch time and a sense of urgency is essential on YouTube.

Future Plans and Impact

While Ludwig’s viewership hasn’t been affected, he plans to adapt his streaming approach to align with YouTube’s requirements. If his new strategy proves successful, he anticipates a significant increase in his numbers.

YouTube has been establishing itself as Twitch’s primary competitor, attracting popular streamers like Sykkuno. Ludwig believes that YouTube’s emergence has made Twitch nervous and predicts YouTube will ultimately triumph in the ongoing streaming wars.