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Disastrous Camp: Streamer Event’s Boat Mishap Costs Erobb Heavily on Day One

The First Day of Shit Camp: Erobb’s Unfortunate Fishing Trip

Shit Camp’s first day didn’t go as planned for Erobb. During his designated streaming time at the lake, he and Zoil struggled to keep their boat upright and ended up tipping over into the water.

Disastrous Camp: Streamer Event's Boat Mishap Costs Erobb Heavily on Day One

While the boat mishap seemed innocent and funny, Erobb realized something was missing after they got out of the water. His phone, which he accidentally had with him, had sunk to the bottom of the lake.

Disastrous Camp: Streamer Event's Boat Mishap Costs Erobb Heavily on Day One

Erobb quickly thought of using the Find My app to track his phone and recover it. However, he soon discovered that tracking required two-factor authentication, which was impossible since his phone was at the bottom of the lake.

“I need two-factor authentication to find my iPhone?” Erobb exclaimed. “That doesn’t make any sense. I didn’t set it up that way. It’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen.”

Disastrous Camp: Streamer Event's Boat Mishap Costs Erobb Heavily on Day One

Despite the unfortunate circumstances, Zoil and Maya couldn’t help but find the situation amusing. Meanwhile, Britt read aloud Erobb’s login attempt, which prompted a text message to be sent to his missing phone.

However, Adept claimed that the mishap might have been scripted. “Do you know Erobb didn’t even have his phone?” she mentioned to Kaceytron during their stream. “He didn’t. I just saw him using it, and he and Britt were laughing.”

Disastrous Camp: Streamer Event's Boat Mishap Costs Erobb Heavily on Day One

Kaceytron questioned if it was all staged, and Adept insisted that it was. “It was a fake little throwaway. He planned the whole thing, I swear to god,” Adept said. “He brought a phone just to fake it!”

They brushed it off as “scripted drama” and acknowledged that the rest of the drama they’ve experienced throughout their careers has been real, for better or worse.

Disastrous Camp: Streamer Event's Boat Mishap Costs Erobb Heavily on Day One