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How to Obtain the Golden Kappa Emote on Twitch

The Twitch Chat Culture and the Mysterious Golden Kappa Emote

Twitch chat has its own unique culture. It may take some time to understand the different lingo and emotes used by various streamers, but eventually, you’ll get the hang of it.

Kappa is a widely recognized emote, but its primary use is to convey trolling and sarcasm. If you’re an active chatter on Twitch, you might have come across the Golden version of the Kappa emote, which is relatively rare. Unleashing the power of the Golden Kappa is like uncovering a secret treasure on the platform.

Screengrab via Twitch

To use the Golden Kappa emote on Twitch, you don’t need to do anything special. The effect randomly applies to a Kappa emote based on a random number generator (RNG). Although the numbers behind this magic are kept hidden, dedicated fans may be able to post a Golden Kappa into the chat approximately every two days.

However, there was a day on Oct. 26, 2020, when viewers could spam the Golden Kappa emote without any restrictions for a continuous six hours. The chat was flooded with Golden Kappas, but it remains unclear whether it was intentional or a bug. Sadly, such an event has not occurred since.

Some streamers may have their own personal emotes that resemble the Golden Kappa. To differentiate, simply hover your cursor over the emote and check its name. If you happen to encounter the elusive Golden Kappa, don’t miss the chance to capture the moment with a screenshot, as you never know when you’ll get the opportunity again.