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Biofrost to step away from competitive gaming, shifts focus to streaming for 2021 Spring Split

TSM’s Former Support Biofrost Takes Break from Competitive League of Legends to Focus on Streaming

TSM’s previous support player, Biofrost, has announced that he will be taking a break from professional League of Legends during the upcoming Spring Split 2021. Instead, he will be focusing on streaming, according to his recent statement.

Biofrost rejoined TSM for the 2020 season and played a vital role in helping the team secure the LCS Summer Split title and qualify for the World Championship.

Biofrost had a successful career with TSM, joining the team for the first time in 2016. He contributed to TSM winning three LCS titles and making two appearances at Worlds. In 2018, he was traded to CLG, where he did not secure any titles over the next two years. In 2020, he was brought back to TSM due to his existing synergy with Doublelift. While this synergy helped TSM win the LCS Summer Split, they still need to work on performing better against teams from other regions at Worlds.

Following a disappointing international performance, TSM made changes to their roster for the upcoming season. The only remaining player from the previous roster is jungler Spica. Biofrost was replaced by Worlds finalist SwordArt, who signed a record-breaking two-year, $6 million contract with TSM.

With the arrival of SwordArt, it became clear that Biofrost would no longer be the starting support player. One option would have been to move him back to the Academy squad. However, like many other players, Biofrost has decided to explore the streaming scene instead.

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