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When is the release date for World of Warcraft Classic phase 6?

The Final Phase of World of Warcraft Classic: Naxxramas Raid Unlocked

To truly immerse players in the authentic “vanilla” experience of World of Warcraft, Blizzard has implemented phases in Classic, each introducing new raids, battlegrounds, and gear.

Naxxramas: The Last Phase of Classic

The upcoming patch marks the final phase of Classic, unveiling Naxxramas, a massive floating necropolis located in Eastern Plaguelands.

The Toughest Raid in Classic

Naxxramas is a challenging 40-man raid and a significant step up from Ahn’Qiraj, Blackwing Lair, and Molten Core. It is considered the most mechanically demanding raid in Classic and will undoubtedly require a team of skilled, knowledgeable, and well-prepared players.

This raid consists of four different wings, each offering access to the Frostwyrm Lair. There, players will confront the terrifying lich Kel’Thuzad and his massive frost wyrm guardian, Sapphiron.

Chart Your Own Path

Within Naxxramas, players have the option to choose their own path and conquer the Arachnid, Plague, Military, and Construct wings, defeating bosses one by one. In total, there are 15 unique encounters in this raid, each offering distinct mechanics and new gear rewards.

To gain entry to Naxxramas, players must first achieve Honored status with the Argent Dawn. This can be accomplished by completing quests, slaying undead enemies in Eastern or Western Plaguelands, clearing Scholomance and Stratholme, or obtaining Scourgestones and using Argent Dawn Valor Tokens.

Release Date and Unlocks

Blizzard has officially announced that Naxxramas and Classic Patch 1.13.6 will go live on December 1. The raid and the Scourge Invasion event will be accessible in the early hours of December 3.