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Ninja reveals reasons behind streaming preference for Twitch instead of YouTube

Ninja Chooses Twitch Over YouTube for Streaming Return

After Mixer’s shutdown earlier this year, Ninja, a popular streamer, made headlines as the community eagerly anticipated his next streaming destination. Ultimately, Ninja announced that he would be returning to Twitch, the platform where he initially started his stream.

During a recent livestream with Lachlan, Ninja revealed his reasons for choosing Twitch over his YouTube channel.

“We were seriously considering it,” Ninja said. “It came down to our desired lifestyle and other factors. I simply felt that streaming on Twitch right now would have a greater impact for gaming, specifically, than streaming on YouTube.”

Ninja further elaborated on the key difference he sees between streaming on the two platforms.

“When someone says you’re my favorite YouTuber, they usually don’t mean your streams on YouTube,” Ninja explained. “They think of your YouTube videos.”

Moreover, the stigma of being labeled a YouTuber instead of a streamer also influenced Ninja’s decision to return to Twitch.

“The news hardly ever reports on a YouTuber achieving a million live viewers or raising millions of dollars for charity through streaming, right? But when someone like Logan Paul misbehaves, it’s always highlighted as ‘YouTuber does this.’ That’s what I mean,” Ninja expressed.

Although Ninja utilizes both platforms, his live streaming is exclusively on Twitch, while YouTube is reserved for clips and videos.