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Pokimane takes a month-long hiatus from streaming and content creation

Pokimane Takes Break from Content Creation Due to Burnout and COVID-19

Pokimane has decided to take a break from creating content for the next month. She cites burnout and the COVID-19 pandemic as the main reasons for this decision.

Working from Home Leads to Burnout

Like many other content creators, Pokimane works mostly from home, streaming and creating content for her millions of followers. However, the repetitive nature of her work and the lack of other creative outlets have caused her to feel burnt out for quite some time.

Difficulties in Quarantine

Since the start of quarantine, Pokimane has struggled to find the same joy and motivation for creating content. The things she looks forward to the most, such as visiting her family, traveling, going to conventions, and meeting her fans, are currently not possible.

A Much-Needed Break for Mental Health

Pokimane believes that taking a month-long break is crucial for her mental health. She has been planning this break for a while and believes it is the best decision for her well-being.

She further explains that she hasn’t taken a month off since high school, which was over six years ago. She feels it is long overdue for her to have some time away from her career and the pressures of being online.

Finding Happiness and Excitement Again

During her absence, Pokimane hopes to regain a happy and excited mindset when it comes to creating content. She also urges her fans to take this break as a reminder to prioritize their own well-being.

In a recent stream, she mentioned that this break might extend beyond one month. She will tweet out a date when she feels ready to come back.