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The Significance of Ninja’s YouTube Broadcast for the Streaming Industry

Ninja’s YouTube Stream Generates Higher Viewership Than Mixer

Ninja made his debut on YouTube Gaming yesterday following the shutdown of Mixer, where he had an exclusive contract. Despite the lack of prior notice, the stream garnered significant attention, attracting more viewers than any of his previous streams on Mixer.

Without any formal announcement, Ninja took to Twitter to announce his live stream on YouTube. According to Stream Hatchet data, his broadcast, which lasted 97 minutes, averaged a viewership of 118,384.

At its peak, Ninja’s stream had around 165,000 viewers, almost double the highest number of viewers he ever had on Mixer. Stream Hatchet also highlighted that his previous peak on Mixer was only 93,000 viewers.

Although these numbers pale in comparison to the peak viewership Ninja achieved during the height of Fortnite on Twitch in 2018, his impromptu stream on YouTube demonstrates that he still has options and a dedicated fan base.

While Ninja has yet to announce an official partnership with a new platform, he is actively considering his next move after Mixer. Despite his viewership struggles on Mixer, he had successful sponsorship deals and brand expansion.

However, it is important to note that Ninja’s viewership on YouTube yesterday falls short compared to his previous streams on Twitch. Before his Mixer days, he consistently had higher viewership peaks on Twitch, even breaking personal records in 2018.

The number of viewers Ninja attracts during YouTube streams should not be the sole factor influencing his decision on a new streaming platform. His move to Mixer was driven by various factors, such as guaranteed contracts and a desire to focus on his overall brand, rather than viewership numbers.

It remains unknown where Ninja will eventually end up streaming. Based on his past decisions, viewership statistics are not his primary consideration in choosing a new platform.