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Numerous affiliates sever ties with Method organization amid sexual harassment accusations

Esports Organization Method Faces Sexual Harassment Allegations, Loses Streamers

Esports organization Method has been hit by sexual harassment allegations involving one of its former World of Warcraft raiders and its co-CEO. As a result, the organization has lost several affiliated streamers and may also lose its Path of Exile team.

Earlier this week, Method released MethodJosh after multiple women on Twitter accused him of sexual harassment towards minors. Josh was permanently banned from Twitch last year, and a 2019 Kotaku report detailed numerous instances of sexual misconduct. The organization is currently conducting a third-party investigation into the allegations.

In addition to Josh’s dismissal, Method placed its co-CEO, Sascha Steffens, on unpaid leave due to unrelated sexual misconduct allegations from 2015. The organization is investigating these allegations to determine Steffens’ future with the company.

Affiliated Members Leave Method

In response to these developments, several individuals affiliated with Method have ended their relationships with the organization. This includes broadcast personality Preach and World of Warcraft Classic players Esfand, Payo, and TipsOut.

Concerns about Method’s handling of Josh’s actions have been a focal point of the discussions surrounding this situation. Many question why the organization kept him around for so long, given his public history of alleged sexual harassment.

Emotional Reactions and Departures

Preach, although not an official member of Method, has worked with the organization in the past as a broadcaster for their Race To World First raiding events. In a video on his Twitch page, Preach expressed his decision to no longer work with Method, citing his concerns as a father of two children and his uncertainty about who within the organization knew about Josh’s actions.

In addition to Preach, several Twitch personalities working under the Method banner have also announced their departure from the organization.

Furthermore, renowned World of Warcraft Classic players TipsOut, Esfand, and Payo have individually tweeted about ending their relationships with Method. Their departure leaves Method with the task of reevaluating the future of their Classic streaming division.

Path of Exile Players Take Action

The Path of Exile team affiliated with Method has decided to remove all Method branding from their respective Twitch and Twitter accounts. They are in the process of deliberating on the team’s future.

Zizaran, a member of the Path of Exile team and the Twitch Safety Council, shared news of this decision on Twitter. The team consists of five players and a team manager named Viyro.