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Diehard GTA 6 fans insist the moon holds answers about game’s unveiling timing

GTA 6: Fans Analyze Moon Charts for Release Date Clues

The existence of GTA 6 has been officially confirmed, but fans are still eager to uncover when the big reveal will happen. Some enthusiasts are going to great lengths, even analyzing moon charts, to get more clarity on this matter. This isn’t the first time they’ve done so either.

Last October, GTA fans believed that a promotional image for GTA V Online featuring the moon held the key to uncovering the secrets of GTA 6’s release. However, it turned out that the idea was incorrect. Some theorists now suggest that it’s not because the concept was wrong, but because they weren’t looking in the right month.

Several posts have surfaced on the GTA 6 Reddit speculating that the phase of the moon shown in the computer-generated promotional image for GTA V Online actually aligns with December, not October as initially suggested.

Curiously enough, we already know that the game’s reveal will happen in December, leading some to believe that the moon teased this announcement before it was officially made.

One Reddit post attempts to match up the moon in the GTA promotional image with the one set to appear on Friday, December 1st. The theory is that this could be the date for the reveal since Rockstar was founded in December of 1998.

Another Reddit post dives deeper into the moon’s geography, trying to precisely match what is shown in the infamous promotional image. This post claims that the moon theory was correct all along and simply misinterpreted by eager GTA fans.

Whether the moon theory is correct or not, the fact remains that we will be getting a reveal for GTA 6 in December. Fans can thank either Rockstar or the moon itself for that, whichever they prefer.

While there is no exact date yet, if the reveal does happen on December 1st, it would be quite a victory for the Moon Theory supporters. This outcome would be hilariously ironic, even if the moon had nothing to do with Rockstar’s plans for GTA 6.