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Consensus among VALORANT players: This agent is deemed S-tier in all ranks

Is Reyna Really that Bad in VALORANT?

Reyna, the agent in VALORANT, has always been a topic of debate among players. While some swear by her carrying potential, others criticize her selfish kit. However, many players argue that the negativity surrounding Reyna is unfair when considering her strengths.

In a recent Reddit post, a player named u/AmoebaDizzy8034 highlighted the value Reyna brings to the game, regardless of the player’s rank. They pointed out that she remains a popular pick among high-ranking players in Immortal and Radiant lobbies, debunking the notion that she is only good in lower ranks.

The post also addressed the argument that Reyna isn’t popular in esports. The player explained that high-ranked Valorant games should not be confused with esports Valorant games, where Reyna does not excel due to the coordinated nature of 5v5 team play.


The response to the Reddit post was unexpectedly positive. Many players agreed that Reyna is a great agent for solo queuing, despite her aim-dependent kit that isn’t suitable for team play.

One player even commented, “‘S tier from Iron 1 to Radiant #1.’ Nobody cares if she’s good in pro play or not, as that’s not the game 99.999% of people are playing.”

by u/AmoebaDizzy8034 from discussion in VALORANT

While there were some disputes about Reyna’s exact tier placement, her pick rates and win rates across ranks are undeniably positive, according to statistics from

Players also noted the division in the VALORANT community regarding Reyna. Some praised her healing power and intangibility, while others passionately disliked her one-sided kit that favors smurf players.

by u/AmoebaDizzy8034 from discussion in VALORANT

Although I personally haven’t played Reyna much, I believe she can be highly effective in the hands of skilled players. Her kit relies on raw aim and performance, allowing players to focus on gunfights.

In VALORANT ranked, good mechanics are crucial, and while utility usage matters, having strong aim is of utmost importance. When coupled with good mechanics, Reyna can create magical results.

Reyna is not a bad team player either. As demonstrated by Paper Rex’s Ilya “something” Petrov, she can provide excellent team support. Content creator and analyst Teets also showcased how PRX used Reyna in potent strategies based on team play, leveraging combinations with other agents’ abilities.

While Reyna may be situational, she is far from being the worst agent for high Elo. She performs well in team play when following PRX’s esports strategies. However, her true strength lies in independence, and players should respect that.

VALORANT, Reyna, agent, player, Reddit post, strengths, high Elo, solo queues, pick rates, win rates, mechanics, team play, esports strategies.