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What is the purpose of the Vulnerable effect in VALORANT?

Understanding the Vulnerable Effect in VALORANT

In VALORANT, there are over 15 powerful ability-induced status effects, one of which is the Vulnerable effect. This effect can leave you at a disadvantage when facing enemies. To help you understand what it means to be Vulnerable, here is all the information you need.

What is the Vulnerable Effect in VALORANT and How Does it Work?

In VALORANT, status effects can either buff or debuff players. The Vulnerable effect is a debuff that affects players, but its consequences may not be immediately obvious. If you are Vulnerable, you will take twice the normal damage from bullets or abilities. You will also notice a spider web-like design on the sides of your screen and a timer indicating the duration of the effect. This effect makes you more susceptible to enemy attacks.

Similarly, when an enemy is Vulnerable, they will exhibit similar visual cues, making it easier for you to identify them as vulnerable targets.

Damage Taken by a Vulnerable Player Versus Normal

When you are Vulnerable, the damage you take from bullets or abilities is doubled. For example, if a bullet from a Vandal hits your body, you will take 80 damage instead of the normal 40. It’s important to be cautious and take cover when you are vulnerable to avoid unnecessary fights.

However, there may be situations where you have to engage in fights while vulnerable. In such cases, try to dodge enemy bullets as much as possible and take the first shot.

Which VALORANT Abilities Apply the Vulnerable Effect?

Currently, there are four abilities in VALORANT that apply the Vulnerable effect:

Viper’s Snake Bite

Snake Bite applies the Vulnerable effect immediately when a player enters its area of effect. It also deals damage to anyone within its radius. If a player remains within the radius, the Vulnerable effect continues to linger. Once they leave the radius, a timer starts, indicating the remaining duration of the effect.

Astra’s Gravity Well

Gravity Well pulls enemies into its area of effect and applies a Slowed effect. If an enemy fails to escape before its explosion, they will become Vulnerable.

Killjoy’s Alarmbot

Alarmbot, when triggered and not destroyed, explodes and applies the Vulnerable effect to nearby enemies.

Iso’s Undercut

Undercut fires a molecular bolt that applies the Vulnerable effect to enemies in its path. It can be used aggressively or in post-plant strategies.

Knowing when these abilities are being used against you or your enemies can give you a strategic advantage in VALORANT.

By understanding the Vulnerable effect and how it works, you can make better decisions in the game and improve your chances of success.

VALORANT, Vulnerable effect, abilities, damage, enemies