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Imagining Credit Costs of Each Ultimate Ability in VALORANT

What if You Could Buy Ultimates in Valorant?

Imagine a different version of Valorant, where instead of earning your ultimates through gameplay, you could buy them with in-game credits. This idea was explored by Valorant players on October 15th, sparking an interesting discussion about how the game would change with purchasable ultimates.

Of course, the concept of balance goes out the window in this scenario, as teams would be able to snowball much faster. But let’s set balance aside for a moment and have some fun with this thought experiment.

Which Ultimates Would Players Buy?

Unsurprisingly, players immediately pointed out agents like Chamber and Jett, whose ultimates have incredibly high kill potential. It was unanimously agreed that these ultimates should not be available for purchase at the same level as regular weapons like the Operator.

One fan suggested a price of 4,700 credits for Chamber’s ult, but many felt even that was too low. Perhaps somewhere around 5,500 credits would be a more appropriate cost.

The rest of the ultimates were priced by the community between 2,000 and 5,000 credits. Skye’s ultimate was valued at 1,500 credits, while Cypher’s was set at 2,000. Raze and Neon were both priced around 2,500 to 3,000 credits. The most expensive ultimates (priced over 4,000 credits) were Astra’s, Viper’s, and Breach’s.

The Impact on Gameplay and Strategy

Some players found the idea of pricing ultimates on par with rifles to be outrageous. However, it’s important to consider the trade-offs. If you choose to buy an ultimate, you might have to settle for a weaker loadout like a Spectre instead of a Phantom.

This would significantly shift the game’s economy and force players to adjust their strategies. One player noted that if an ultimate cost 3,000 credits, someone on the team might need to sacrifice purchasing a gun in order to buy the ultimate. It would require careful coordination and decision-making among teammates.

A Memorable Experience

In the end, the idea of being able to buy ultimates in Valorant remains just a fun thought experiment. As one fan put it, “Being able to buy Breach’s ult would make the game unplayable.” And we can all be grateful that it remains a meme and not a reality.

Valorant, ultimates, in-game credits, balance, gameplay, strategy, Rifles, thought experiment, community discussion