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Master the post-plant situation in VALORANT with this easy spike placement advice

The Importance of Smart Bomb Placement in VALORANT

In VALORANT, one of the win conditions is successfully planting the spike and preventing the enemy team from defusing it. To achieve this, it is crucial to set your team up for success in the post-plant phase. This involves making smart decisions about where to plant the bomb, a strategy that many players may not be aware of yet.

A VALORANT player recently shared their insights on Reddit, urging their fellow teammates to “stop planting safe.”

When they refer to “safe,” they mean the default planting spot on a VALORANT site. This spot is commonly used because it provides cover from multiple angles, making it the easiest and safest place to plant the spike without getting killed. However, this may actually work against your team in the long run.

Think about it: if you plant the bomb in the safest spot, it also becomes the safest spot for the enemy team to defuse. Unless your team has lineups or abilities to keep them away from the bomb, you’re essentially providing them with an advantage.

To make the post-plant phase easier for your team, it’s best to plant the bomb in the open if the site is clear and you’re not at risk of being killed. This exposes the enemy to multiple angles when they attempt to defuse, making it harder for them to locate and eliminate your team. You’ll have the advantage of knowing their position, while they’ll be left guessing.

However, it’s important to consider that there may be situations where planting safe is the better choice. For example, if your team is struggling to gain control of the site and time is running out, planting at the default spot might be the safest option.

While this makes the post-plant phase more challenging, it forces your VALORANT enemy into a situation where they must defuse the bomb in order to win.

Ultimately, it’s crucial to be aware of how the placement of the spike can impact the outcome of the round. Consider switching up your default planting spot when the coast is clear, making it more challenging for the enemy team. Take into account the positioning of your teammates and whether they have line of sight or can support the bomb from their position.

By keeping these strategies in mind, you’ll greatly increase your success in the post-plant phase.

VALORANT, bomb placement, post-plant phase, safe planting, enemy defuse, smart strategies