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A VALORANT agent is being overlooked amidst significant Patch 7.04 updates.

Phoenix’s Design Ignored in VALORANT Patch 7.04

A Reddit user recently called out Riot Games for neglecting Phoenix’s design in VALORANT’s latest patch. While other agents have had their ultimates increased to nine points, Phoenix still only needs six points for his ultimate.

In their post, the user pointed out that Riot’s focus seems to be on nerfing popular agents rather than addressing the issues with less popular ones. Phoenix may be fun to play, but he struggles against stronger duelists like Jett and Raze.

With the impending nerfs to Jett in patch 7.04, Phoenix may see a temporary increase in pick rate. However, this boost will be due to players seeking alternative options rather than Phoenix being a strong duelist.

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Despite his fast-recharging ultimate and situational blind, Phoenix’s overall value as a space-taker is limited. His kit may only be appealing for his healing abilities and ultimate.

In high-elo games, Phoenix struggles to compete with opponents due to his weak wall, unreliable flashes, and easily avoidable Molotov. However, his straightforward kit can be effective in lower ranks where aggressive playstyles are more common.

It appears that Riot intends Phoenix to be in the same class as agents like Reyna and Yoru, who are also lacking in competitive viability. While Reyna may be popular in ranked, Yoru is often ignored.

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Reyna and Yoru have strong abilities that can be valuable in ranked play. While they may not be popular choices, their kits are better suited for creating space compared to Phoenix.


Unless you have exceptional aim, it’s recommended to choose a different duelist over Phoenix in VALORANT.

VALORANT, Phoenix, duelist, agent, kit, ultimate, pick rate, competitive viability, ranked, abilities.