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Top Killjoy Ascent Setups in VALORANT

Killjoy: Mastering the VALORANT Agent

Killjoy is a powerful agent in VALORANT who has the ability to turn the tide of a game. However, her smart abilities can be challenging to understand initially. In order to effectively play as Killjoy, players must have a solid knowledge of the map’s corners and hallways. It is important to learn the range of her abilities, including her ultimate. Once mastered, Killjoy is a rewarding agent who brings high utility to your team.

Playing Killjoy on Different Maps

Killjoy can be played on all maps, but she is less efficient in long hallways and large maps, like Split. On the other hand, Ascent is where Killjoy excels. In the 2022 VCT season, Killjoy had a 94 percent pick rate on Ascent, compared to a general 28 percent pick rate.

Best Killjoy Setups on Split

Here are some of the best Killjoy setups on Split:

Best Defensive Killjoy Setups on Ascent: A Site

On Ascent’s A site, Killjoy has several options to defend from. Spending time in a custom match to become familiar with all the options on this site is recommended. This will help players decide quickly in a real game and choose the best corner to shoot distracted enemies from.

Aggressive Defense

Killjoy can place her turrets on the carts of the point to cover different corners. However, it is important to note that the turrets are vulnerable in those positions. She can place Alarmbots on one side to cover both entry corners and use Swarm Grenades further into the site to activate them from a corner when enemies are pushing.

Safer Turret Location

Killjoy can defend from the back of the point in critical rounds when opponents have bought rifles. She can also watch the right hallway from that position by placing traps on either vent or in one of the corners of the entry.

Covering the Right Entry

Another option is for Killjoy to cover the right hallway by placing an Alarmbot or a Swarm Grenade in the middle of the site. This strategy can surprise opponents who expect to counter the defenses on the site itself.

Best Defensive Killjoy Setups on Ascent: B Site

Defending B site as Killjoy is straightforward. Killjoy can spot enemies peeking from the right hallway with her turret and trap the whole path with Swarm Grenades as enemies push. Another turret can be set up on the site to defend from the back cover if necessary. Killjoy can also disrupt a plant by placing an Alarmbot or a Swarm grenade in the middle of the site.

Covering B Site’s Mid Hallway

Killjoy can also cover B site’s mid hallway by placing an Alarmbot near the wide mid area and a Swarm Grenade further down the hallway. This strategy allows Killjoy to punish enemy pushes from various corners.

The Main Rule: Be Unpredictable

Instead of repeating the same setup, it is important for Killjoy players to be creative and constantly change their setups. This includes defending different sites, covering different hallways, and moving traps from round to round. By being unpredictable, opponents will have a harder time countering your defenses and be taken by surprise.

Killjoy, VALORANT agent, map knowledge, abilities, setups, Ascent, Split, defensive strategies.