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Competitive VALORANT to introduce coaching slots

VALORANT to Introduce Dedicated Slots for Coaches

VALORANT coaches will soon have the opportunity to play a more active role in the game. Riot, the developer of the popular competitive shooter, has announced that dedicated in-game slots for coaches will be added in the near future.


Riley Yurk, Riot’s esports strategy manager, confirmed the news in response to a tweet from NRG coach Chet Singh. Yurk expressed excitement about coaches becoming a bigger part of matches and assured that coach slots are on their way.

With these dedicated slots, coaches will no longer have to rely on screen-sharing or come up with their own workarounds to provide guidance to their teams. They will have direct access to view their players’ perspectives, making it easier for them to analyze and strategize.

Furthermore, the introduction of coach slots will lead to set rules for coach-player communication during matches. Coaches will likely be allowed to communicate with their players during halftime and tactical timeouts. However, discussions will be held to determine whether they can also provide guidance in between rounds.

This development comes just a month after Valve, the developer of CS:GO, implemented a ruling that received backlash from the coaching community. Valve decided to prohibit coaches from being in the server or in the same room as players during online matches. In contrast, VALORANT is embracing coaching, which may attract top-tier coaches from other games.

While the exact release date of coach slots in VALORANT is yet to be confirmed, this announcement is welcomed by the esports community, signaling a step forward for professional coaching in the game.

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VALORANT, esports, coaches, coach slots, competitive shooter, Riot, game development, CS:GO, coaching community.