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The In-Demand Dota 2 Heroes: June 2023

Dota 2’s hero roster continues to grow each year, with new additions added annually. With over 100 heroes to choose from, there’s something for every playstyle. Here are the top 10 most picked Dota 2 heroes this month and why they’re popular.


A large butcher sits at a desk with a hook in Dota 2.

Pudge is the most popular Dota 2 hero by a wide margin. His skill shot, Meat Hook, is one of the best abilities in the game and requires skill to land. While not commonly seen in pro matches, Pudge is a favorite among players looking for a tanky Strength hero.


An archer sprints towards the front on the outskirts of a forest, wearing green and holding a white bow adorned with horses.

Windranger has steadily climbed the popularity charts due to upgrades to her kit and her overall appeal. With skillshot abilities like Powershot and Shackleshot, along with survivability and speed from Windrun, she’s a pesky hero that players enjoy mastering.

Legion Commander

A warrior holding red swords and with banners on her back leaps to the right.

Legion Commander’s popularity continues to rise since her release in 2013. Her tankiness and abilities like Moment of Courage and Press the Attack make her a formidable hero in battles. Winning Duels and gaining bonus attack damage is an especially satisfying aspect of playing Legion Commander.

Spirit Breaker

A blue bull wearing red gauntlets and swinging a red flail.

Spirit Breaker has seen a surge in picks since receiving buffs. He’s a fun and newbie-friendly hero with incredible tankiness, supersonic speed, and the ability to bulldoze over enemies with Greater Bash. Being on the receiving end of an SB charge is not pleasant.


A masked man holds a sword above his head, glowing yellow, with mountains in the background.

Juggernaut’s popularity has remained high since his release in 2011. His Q ability, Blade Fury, is excellent in the early game, while his ultimate, Omnislash, can deal incredible damage in the late game. A well-timed Omnislash can single-handedly decimate the enemy team.


A fish-like creature with orange shoulder pads, holding a dagger with reverse grip.

Slark is a nightmare for Agility-based carries. His kit allows him to steal Agility from opponents, making him strong in solo situations. Slark’s ultimate, Shadow Dance, turns him into an untargetable killing machine. He can carve a path through the backline and take over a game on his own.


A bearded man holding a rifle, playing it like a guitar while on his knees with sparks flying out behind him.

Sniper is a popular hero among newer players. His long range and abilities like Take Aim and Shrapnel allow him to deal significant damage from a safe distance. His ultimate, Assassination, can quickly eliminate enemies. Sniper remains a mainstay in All Pick and Ranked matches.

Witch Doctor

Witch Doctor, a purple creature wearing a red mask with feathers, holds a wooden staff with a green orb and points it ahead of him.

Witch Doctor is a versatile support hero with a kit that can have a significant impact on the game. His abilities like Paralyzing Cask, Maledict, and Death Ward make him capable of turning teamfights around. Securing kills with his ultimate is a satisfying feeling.


Axe, a red beast in armor, holding a giant axe while flames surround him.

Axe has remained relevant in both ranked and pro Dota. He’s a very tanky offlaner with the ability to deal pure damage with Counter Helix. Blink Dagger allows him to initiate teamfights with Call, and Culling Blade offers a satisfying one-versus-all power fantasy.


Lion from Dota 2, a demonic creature with a giant claw and a wand shooting fire.

Lion is another popular support hero with an easy-to-understand kit. His disables, Earth Spike and Hex, make it simple to lock down enemy heroes. Lion’s ultimate, Finger of Death, is a burst of damage that gets stronger with each kill. Aghanim’s Scepter allows him to hit multiple units at once.

These heroes showcase the diversity and appeal of Dota 2’s roster. Whether you enjoy playing tanky bruisers, elusive assassins, or supportive heroes, there’s something for everyone.