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Passionate Dota 2 Community Pleads with Valve to Preserve Crucial Element for TI12

Dota 2 Fans Demand Improved Production Quality for The International 2023

Dota 2 enthusiasts worldwide were left disappointed by the subpar production quality of both The International 2022 and the Lima Major. Fans are now calling on Valve, the developer of Dota 2, to step up and restore the grandeur that captivated the community and the gaming world.

Many of the production flaws in the past year were attributed to Valve’s hands-off approach. However, this may change as Valve has a history of being more involved when the event takes place in the United States, as it will with The International 2023 in Seattle.

Related: TI11’s Production Issues Disappoint Fans

Valve has gradually reduced its involvement since TI8, and the consequences were evident at TI11. PGL, the event organizer, faced criticism from the beginning. From poor soundproofing to hygiene concerns, PGL’s mismanagement tarnished the positive impact TI had on Dota 2 fans.

Despite PGL’s poor performance, they have been hired for the 2023 DPC season, causing doubts among Dota 2 fans. After the disappointments of the past, fans are unwilling to take another chance with PGL and risk another letdown.

Valve has not yet clarified their level of involvement for TI12. If the developer decides to step in, fans can expect significant improvements and a possible return to the glory days of The International.

Dota 2, The International 2023, production flaws, Valve, esports