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Tundra’s players contradict each other about a major TI11 meme in Dota

Tundra Esports Drama: Fata’s Side of the Story Confirmed

In January 2022, Fata was kicked from Tundra Esports, and the team remained silent while Fata expressed his disappointment. However, the team’s coach, Aui_2000, recently sparked the debate about the kick in his blog post, followed by explanations from Sneyking and Neta “33” Shapira.

The statements from Tundra players revealed gaps in knowledge, but ultimately supported Fata’s side of the story.

Coach Aui_2000 Wades In

In his latest statement, Coach Aui_2000 revealed that Fata never saved Sneyking’s slot in the team. The discussion continued on Twitter, where Tundra’s captain, Sneyking, chimed in.

Sneyking’s statement aligned with Fata’s original story about vetoing attempts to kick other players and then being kicked himself.

The Full Picture

By combining 33’s follow-up statement under Sneyking’s tweets, fans pieced together a timeline of events surrounding the Fata kick.

According to the comments from Tundra players:

  • Saksa approached 33 after TI10 to play together, but Fata didn’t want to kick anyone or change the team’s core.
  • Tundra considered moving Sneyking to a coaching position, but the idea was dropped when Aui_2000 joined as coach.
  • Without adding Saksa, Tundra’s performance fell short of their expectations.
  • At some point, more players became aware of Saksa’s interest, and Aui_2000 allowed the team to take action.
  • Tundra, although unhappy, agreed to kick Fata as the majority wanted to play with Saksa.

The series of explanations from Tundra players only confirmed Fata’s words and were wrapped up with rationalizing tweets.

Sneyking compared the situation to the legendary Fly-n0tail betrayal and praised Fly’s actions, despite the initial backlash.

Regardless of who is right or wrong, such roster changes are common in sports, and sometimes sacrifices need to be made.

Tundra Esports, Fata, kick, drama, roster changes, Sneyking, Aui_2000, Saksa, TI11, confirmation, timeline