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Which Is Better: Death’s Dance or Bloodthirster?

The Difference Between Death’s Dance and Bloodthirster in League of Legends

Death’s Dance and Bloodthirster are both popular items in League of Legends, but they serve different purposes. Death’s Dance is better suited for bruiser champions like Jax and Darius, providing sustain and reducing cooldowns. On the other hand, Bloodthirster is more offensive, offering lifesteal and critical chance, making it ideal for champions like Samira or Aatrox.

Choosing between the two can be tough, especially if your champion can benefit from both. In this article, we will examine each item in detail to help you make an informed decision.

The Items: An In-Depth Look

To understand the differences between Death’s Dance and Bloodthirster, let’s take a closer look at the stats and passives they provide.

Death’s Dance

Death’s Dance League of Legends Guide

Stat Boosts

Choosing Death’s Dance gives you +55 attack damage, +45 armor, and +15 ability haste. The additional attack damage increases your damage output, while the armor helps reduce damage taken. The ability haste allows you to use your abilities more frequently during fights.

Item Passives

Death’s Dance has two passives: ‘Ignore Pain’ and ‘Defy’. ‘Ignore Pain’ mitigates damage dealt to you by 30% over 3 seconds. If you get a champion takedown, the damage stored in ‘Ignore Pain’ is cleansed and you receive a health boost. However, it’s important to note that ‘Ignore Pain’ is less effective for ranged champions.

Where It Works Best

Death’s Dance is most effective on bruiser champions like Jax, Darius, Fiora, Camille, and Wukong. However, it may not be as effective against AP champions like Vladimir or Kennen, who rely on burst damage.


Bloodthirster League of Legends Guide

Stat Boosts

Bloodthirster provides +18% lifesteal, +55 attack damage, and +20% critical chance. The lifesteal allows you to heal based on the damage dealt, while the attack damage and critical chance increase your damage output.

Item Passives

Bloodthirster has one passive called ‘Ichorshield’. This passive allows you to form a protective shield based on your level, which decays after 25 seconds of no damage dealt or taken.

Where It Works Best

Bloodthirster is best suited for champions with high attack speeds, such as Samira, Aphelios, Draven, Kalista, Vayne, and Yone. It pairs well with the mythic items Immortal Shieldbow or Kraken Slayer for additional stat boosts and lifesteal.

Can You Go With Either Of Them?

No. Death’s Dance and Bloodthirster serve different purposes and cannot be used interchangeably. Death’s Dance is better for champions with good base health and those who prefer extended trades. Bloodthirster is more suitable for champions with high attack speeds and those who rely on auto-attacks for damage.

Exceptions: The Unforgotten And Unforgiven

Yone and Yasuo are exceptions to the rule. Due to their unique abilities and flexible builds, they can effectively use both Death’s Dance and Bloodthirster together.

Parting Thoughts

Experimenting with different builds can be fun, but it’s important to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each item. Hopefully, this guide has provided you with a better understanding of Death’s Dance and Bloodthirster. Remember to choose the item that best suits your champion’s playstyle and needs. Good luck!