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Which is the better choice: Death’s Dance or Bloodthirster?

The Items: An In-Depth Look

To understand which item is best in a given situation, it’s important to know the additional stats provided by both Death’s Dance and Bloodthirster.

Death’s Dance

Death’s Dance League of Legends Guide

Stat Boosts

Death’s Dance offers +55 attack damage, +45 armor, and +15 ability haste. This item is great for bruiser champions like Jax who rely on consistent damage output and survivability. The added armor reduces damage taken and the ability haste allows for more frequent use of abilities.

Item Passives

Death’s Dance has two passives, ‘Ignore Pain’ and ‘Defy’. ‘Ignore Pain’ mitigates damage over time, while ‘Defy’ cleanses the damage pool and provides a health boost on champion takedowns. This item is less effective for ranged bruisers but works well for champions like Jax and Darius.

Where It Works Best

Death’s Dance is most effective on bruiser champions who can sustain in extended fights, but it may be less effective against burst damage from AP champions like Vladimir or Kennen.


Bloodthirster League of Legends Guide

Stat Boosts

Bloodthirster provides +18% lifesteal, +55 attack damage, and +20% critical chance. This item is best for champions with high attack speeds, as it increases their healing potential and damage output.

Item Passives

Bloodthirster’s passive, ‘Ichorshield’, allows champions to overheal and form a protective shield. This passive is particularly useful for champions with consistent self-healing, such as ADCs.

Where It Works Best

Bloodthirster works best for champions with high attack speeds, and it synergizes well with items like Immortal Shieldbow. It’s important to note that champions with Bloodthirster should focus on offensive play due to lower defensive stats.

Can You Go With Either Of Them?

No, Death’s Dance and Bloodthirster cannot be used interchangeably. Death’s Dance is better for champions with good base health stats, while Bloodthirster is more suited for champions with high attack speeds.

Exceptions: The Unforgotten And Unforgiven

The Ionian champions Yone and Yasuo are exceptions to the rule. They can build both Death’s Dance and Bloodthirster due to their high defensive stats and stacking attack speed throughout the game.

Parting Thoughts

In League of Legends, there is no perfect build and the game is constantly changing. It’s always fun to experiment with different builds, but it’s important to understand the items and how they synergize with your champion. Enjoy the game and do your best!