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Top 5 Supports for Twitch in League of Legends

Twitch’s popularity is on the rise in the bot-lane, thanks to the new item Evenshroud in season 12. Previously overlooked due to the release of new overpowered ADC champions, Twitch is making a comeback.

Twitch’s ability to kill multiple champions at once pairs well with tank supports that have AOE crowd control. In this article, we will discuss the best champions to pair with Twitch in season 12.

5. Leona

Top 5 Supports for Twitch in League of Legends

Leona and Twitch make a powerful duo as Leona can protect Twitch from enemies with her tankiness and AOE crowd control. Their ultimates synergize well together. The best item for Leona is Evenshroud, which can be easily proc’d by her ultimate and keep enemies away from Twitch.

During the early game, play defensively until Twitch builds his first core item. In the mid-game, focus on pushing the bot lane and setting up roams. In the late game, protect Twitch and ensure his safety during team fights.

4. Lulu

Top 5 Supports for Twitch in League of Legends

Lulu is one of the best champions to protect Twitch in the late game. Her versatile spells work well in all situations. The best item for Lulu is Ardent Censer, which empowers her shields and increases Twitch’s attack speed.

In the early game, use your shields and pokes to keep Twitch safe. In the mid-game, surprise ganks with Lulu’s movement speed buff. In the late game, use your ult on Twitch to knock enemies back and increase his tankiness.

3. Soraka

Top 5 Supports for Twitch in League of Legends

Soraka is an excellent support champion for keeping a squishy ADC like Twitch alive. Her late-game heals are powerful in team fights. The best item for Soraka is Ardent Censer, which can be procced multiple times due to her low cooldowns.

In the early game, conserve your mana and use pokes strategically. In the mid-game, play safe and heal Twitch from behind. In the late game, focus on staying alive and providing heals and enchants to your team.

2. Alistar

Top 5 Supports for Twitch in League of Legends

Alistar can tank shots for Twitch and has great peeling potential. With Evenshroud, Alistar can engage enemies and set up multi-kills for Twitch.

During the early game, play defensively and help Twitch secure CS. In the mid-game, initiate fights and help keep enemies away from Twitch. In the late game, stay at the frontline and peel for Twitch.

1. Nami

Top 5 Supports for Twitch in League of Legends

Nami’s kit is versatile, with heals, hard CC, and movement speed buffs. She can enhance Twitch’s burst damage and engage enemies with her ult.

The best item for Nami is Shurelya’s Battlesong, which boosts movement speed and works well with her passive. In the early game, conserve mana and keep enemies away from Twitch. In the mid and late game, initiate fights and provide heals and enchants to Twitch and your team.