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Top 10 Unconventional ADC Picks in League of Legends

The Meta exists for a reason. Players often choose the strongest Champions for each role to gain an advantage. However, there are plenty of reasons to deviate from the Meta and play off-Meta Champions. Playing off-Meta can be fulfilling, as it feels like winning through skill rather than playing overpowered Champions.

It’s also fun to play off-Meta Champions as playing the same Meta Champions repeatedly can get monotonous. Additionally, there are strategic advantages to playing off-Meta. Opponents are often unfamiliar with non-Meta picks. The Meta is also flexible and can change, so experimenting with off-Meta picks can lead to discovering the next Meta and breaking the game.

Playing off-Meta as an ADC is riskier compared to other lanes because the ADC plays a crucial role in dealing consistent AD damage during fights. Choosing an off-Meta ADC may result in a lack of damage for the team. To overcome this disadvantage, the player must play exceptionally well and make up for the damage through teamwork or individual skills.

Now, let’s get into the list of the best off-Meta ADCs. You’ll notice that most of these Champions are Casters because they play similarly to ADCs by sitting in the backline and dealing constant damage. However, the list aims to provide a diverse range of Champions, not just Mid laners.

10. Thresh:

Starting off with a bang, Thresh is a fun off-Meta ADC pick. Thresh’s empowered E can deal significant damage. However, Thresh lacks escape potential, making him vulnerable to dive Champions. Good supports for Thresh ADC include Leona and other aggressive supports.

9. Kindred:

Kindred is a closer match to a traditional ADC. She excels in the Jungle, but playing her as an ADC can still be effective. Kindred scales exceptionally well and is fun to play. However, her laning phase can be challenging, and she requires peel supports like Janna, Bard, and Thresh.

8. Veigar:

Veigar, an evil caster minion, is an excellent pick for the Bot lane. He can farm easily with his Q and has the ability to save himself with his cage. Veigar offers consistent AP damage and can melt turrets with his Satchel Charge. However, he lacks escape abilities and needs peel supports or aggressive engage supports.

7. Cassiopeia:

Cassiopeia is another caster who excels in the Bot lane. She has low cooldowns, allowing her to deal consistent damage and peel herself with her ultimate. Cassiopeia plays similarly to an ADC in team fights and skirmishes. She does have a high skill cap and requires peel supports or aggressive engage supports.

6. Zoe:

Zoe is an underrated off-Meta ADC pick. Although not commonly seen, she can be very strong when played well. Zoe has a lot of outplay potential and can self-peel. However, she doesn’t scale with AD damage and requires peel supports.

5. Quinn:

Quinn plays similarly to a traditional ADC but offers more dive potential. Her blind is advantageous in lane against other ADCs heavily reliant on auto-attacks. Quinn has high burst damage but falls off quickly. Engage supports work well with Quinn.

4. Heimerdinger:

Heimerdinger is a strong off-Meta pick that can catch enemies off guard. He excels at controlling the lane and can be challenging for opponents to play against. However, he requires setup to be effective in fights and needs peel supports.

3. Graves:

Graves is a fun and aggressive off-Meta ADC pick. He deals significant burst damage and is tanky. However, his damage is not as consistent as a traditional ADC’s. Engage or aggressive supports work best with Graves.

2. Ziggs:

Ziggs can be a good replacement for a traditional ADC. He offers consistent AP damage and can melt turrets with his abilities. Ziggs can be picked with any support but works well with peel supports.

1. Yasuo:

Yasuo is a strong and potentially game-changing off-Meta ADC pick. He has insane damage, lifesteal, and can effectively shut down enemy ADCs with his windwall. However, Yasuo is vulnerable to auto-attacks in the early game. Engage supports or supports with a knockup are recommended for Yasuo.

It’s important to note that any Champion can be played in the Bot lane, but certain considerations should be kept in mind. Splitting XP in Bot lane can be challenging for Champions that need to be ahead in levels to be effective. Players may also face resistance from their team due to unconventional picks. However, mastering off-Meta Champions and succeeding with them can make you feel like a pro.