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The Ultimate High Elo Diana Jungle Path Guide for Season 12

League of Legends: The Rise of Diana in Season 12

League of Legends is home to a diverse roster of over 150 champions, and with the changes brought by Season 12, we’ve witnessed a surge in the popularity of many less common picks. One champion that has experienced a significant rise in popularity is Diana, the Scorn of the Moon.

Despite being a solid pick since her release in 2012, players often found Diana’s kit to be too linear and predictable. However, a small rework a few years ago has made her more exciting to play. Diana has the ability to out-scale and dominate her enemies, thanks to her massive area-of-effect damage on all of her abilities.

In addition to her burst damage, Diana also offers utility in her kit with resetting dashes, crowd control, a shield, and bonus auto-attack damage.

The current meta has introduced new and refreshing gameplay, particularly for assassin players, whether they prefer AP or AD champions. Diana fits perfectly into this meta with the new Mythic item, Crown of the Shattered Queen. This item provides ability power, haste, flat resources, and the passive Safeguard, eliminating the need to buy defensive items like Banshee’s Veil.

In this guide, we will focus on Diana’s jungle pathing, along with tips and tricks to help you effectively dominate the enemy team, even in close games.

Summoner Spells

As a jungler, Smite is a must-have, leaving you with one remaining summoner spell slot. Flash is the most obvious choice as it provides escape potential and can help you position yourself for a large ultimate. However, experienced assassin players can consider substituting Flash with Ignite, sacrificing mobility for the classic Hextech Rocketbelt.

Best Diana Runes

Diana has a wide variety of rune choices depending on personal playstyles and objectives. For the standard runes, we recommend taking Electrocute, Sudden Impact, Eyeball Collection, and Ultimate Hunter. Legend: Alacrity and Coup de Grace are excellent choices to boost damage output.

Best Diana Items

The introduction of Mythic items has changed the itemization for many champions, including Diana. The recommended start is Hailblade + Refillable Potion, followed by the Mythic item Crown of the Shattered Queen or Hextech Rocketbelt. Core items include Sorcerer’s Shoes, Lich Bane, and Nashor’s Tooth, with options for finishing items such as Void Staff, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Cosmic Drive, and Zhonya’s Hourglass.

Skill Order

For skill order, start with W at level 1 for better jungle camp clear. Max Q first, followed by W, and lastly E. This order optimizes your damage output and utility.

The Best Jungle Paths for Diana

Choosing the right jungle path is crucial for success as Diana. Factors to consider include which laners can provide assistance, counter-jungle opportunities, and deciding which lane to gank first based on team compositions. Remember, Diana is an assassin at her core, so prioritize ganking and taking down enemy carries.

Finalizing Thoughts

Diana’s kit offers high mobility and area-of-effect burst damage, making her a formidable champion in the early game. Adapt your playstyle depending on the needs of your team, whether that’s playing as an assassin or an engage tool. Remember to place vision or control wards in the enemy jungle to gain valuable information and capitalize on counter-ganks or solo kills.

By following this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to dominate the jungle as Diana and turn the tide of the game in your team’s favor!

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