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Top 5 Supports for Jinx in Season 12

Arcane, the popular League of Legends series, has had a significant impact on champion play rates. Jinx, one of the main characters, has seen a surge in popularity among players. Known for her late-game prowess, Jinx becomes a monstrous threat once she reaches her item power spikes.

Jinx can be paired with passive support champions that provide healing and utility. She also works well with vanguard champions who can tank damage for her. The addition of new items in season 12 opens up even more playstyle possibilities for Jinx and her support.


5. Braum


Braum is one of the best vanguard champions to pair with Jinx. He not only acts as a shield for her but can also enhance her damage through his passive. His slows are especially useful when Jinx hasn’t activated her passive yet. Braum’s presence enables Jinx to secure takedowns and reach her power spikes.

**Best Item for Braum: Evenshroud**

Evenshroud is an item that makes champions more vulnerable when movement impaired. Braum’s kit allows him to proc this item’s passive frequently. It increases the damage enemies take and synergizes well with Braum’s stun. The mythic passive of Evenshroud grants bonus defensive stats for each legendary item built.

**Different Playstyle For Each Phase**

*Early Game Playstyle*: Braum and Jinx have a strong synergy from the start. Their level 3 power spike can dominate the lane if Braum engages effectively. His Hail of Blades keystone allows him to immediately proc his passive stun.

*Mid Game Playstyle*: Braum becomes even stronger in mid-game fights with the Evenshroud item. He can better peel for Jinx, allowing her to deal damage safely. Braum’s slows combined with Jinx’s W ability can stun multiple enemies, especially with Runaan’s Hurricane.

*Late Game Playstyle*: It’s essential for Braum to protect Jinx and prevent enemies from reaching her. If Braum has a lead, he can engage fights for Jinx. Otherwise, his role is to stay by her side and mitigate enemy projectiles.


4. Janna


Janna is a passive laner and excellent at peeling. Her CC abilities create immense pressure on the enemy and provide protection for Jinx. Janna’s ultimate can even save Jinx from powerful threats like a fed Master Yi. Additionally, Janna’s early game poke potential and enchanting abilities make her a versatile support for Jinx.

**Best Item for Janna: Ardent Censer**

Ardent Censer amplifies Janna’s shield and enhances Jinx’s offensive stats. It further increases the shield amount Janna provides to Jinx.

**Different Playstyle For Each Phase**

*Early Game Playstyle*: Janna can play aggressively by using her Q ability to poke enemies or passively by maxing her E ability. Jinx relies on Janna’s protection and needs to reach her item power spike.

*Mid Game Playstyle*: Janna excels at peeling in mid-game fights. Jinx can freely farm in any lane, even against assassins, thanks to Janna’s abilities. Jinx’s W synergizes well with Janna’s slows, potentially stunning multiple enemies with Runaan’s Hurricane.

*Late Game Playstyle*: Janna acts as a utility champion, staying in the backline and providing support for her team. She can build items to mitigate the threats against Jinx, allowing her to deal damage without worry.


3. Nami


Nami excels as an engage enchanter, boosting Jinx’s movement speed and providing bonus damage. Her abilities can slow enemies, making it easier for Jinx to chase or hit her abilities. Nami’s versatility allows her to adapt to different playstyles throughout the game, despite her low pick rate.

**Best Item for Nami: Evenshroud**

Nami benefits greatly from Evenshroud, as her crowd control abilities synergize with the item’s effect. Her E ability can further amplify the damage dealt by Jinx.

**Different Playstyle For Each Phase**

*Early Game Playstyle*: Nami can engage enemies with her Q ability, followed up by Jinx’s abilities. Playing aggressively with Nami’s damaging abilities can create pressure and make the enemy’s retaliation useless.

*Mid Game Playstyle*: Use Nami’s ultimate as a means for engaging fights. The knock-up and follow-up slow make it easier for Jinx to position herself. A lead gained in the early game allows for aggressive play, benefiting from the synergy between Nami and Jinx.

*Late Game Playstyle*: Nami’s late game playstyle is similar to mid-game. Her value remains high if she hasn’t been dying too much. Focus on using abilities to peel for Jinx or engage fights when the situation is advantageous.


2. Yuumi


Yuumi excels at speeding up champions, making her a great support for Jinx’s kiting playstyle. Yuumi’s Q ability can slow enemies, enabling Jinx to chase or hit her abilities more effectively. Yuumi’s attachment ability allows her to constantly provide support to Jinx without worrying about positioning.

**Best Item for Yuumi: Ardent Censer**

Yuumi’s frequent healing and low cooldowns make Ardent Censer a valuable item. It amplifies Jinx’s attack speed and provides bonus on-hit magic damage.

**Different Playstyle For Each Phase**

*Early Game Playstyle*: Yuumi should play defensively in the early game, supporting Jinx with heals and buffs. Yuumi’s Q ability can be used for light poking while Jinx follows up with her Zap ability.

*Mid Game Playstyle*: Yuumi’s adaptive damage and movement speed boosts are even more effective in the mid-game. This allows for more aggressive engages and disengages, making it easier for Jinx to play aggressively.

*Late Game Playstyle*: Leverage Jinx’s high movement speed and root enemies with Yuumi’s ultimate. Use it to initiate fights or disengage from assassins.


1. Leona


With the introduction of Evenshroud, Leona becomes a dominant force in the bot lane. Her long-range crowd control abilities synergize exceptionally well with Jinx. Leona’s stuns allow for easy follow-up with Jinx’s chompers and Zap.

**Best Item for Leona: Evenshroud**

Evenshroud works perfectly with Leona’s long-range and low cooldown crowd control abilities. Her passive also benefits from the bonus magic damage it provides.

**Different Playstyle For Each Phase**

*Early Game Playstyle*: Leona’s early game aggression shines with Jinx’s long-range abilities. Tower dives become possible with plated greaves, especially when accompanied by a jungler.

*Mid Game Playstyle*: Unexpected long-range engages are Leona’s specialty in the mid-game. Jinx’s long-range abilities allow them to dominate the bot lane and other lanes. Capitalize on Leona’s stuns to engage enemies, rendering them unable to retaliate.

*Late Game Playstyle*: Stand in the frontlines and protect Jinx. Her late-game damage is tremendous, and using Leona’s stuns for engages can help secure victories. Adjust playstyle based on the presence of assassins in the enemy team composition.


These support champions provide excellent synergy with Jinx, enabling her to maximize her damage and navigate team fights effectively. Each champion brings their unique strengths and playstyles to complement Jinx’s late-game carry potential. Choose the support that suits your playstyle and dominate the bot lane!