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The Top 10 Items to Counter Tanks in League of Legends Season 12

Riot has made several important changes to the items in recent seasons, including the best items against tanks that we’ll be covering today. In the past, it was easier to know which champions did damage and which didn’t. But now, tank champions are dominating most games due to the item changes.

To defeat these overpowered tank champions in the late game, players need to build anti-tank and anti-healing items. Let’s take Irelia as an example. You can quickly kill her in the early phase, but she becomes almost unkillable in the late phase with her armor or healing items.

The tank items are enhancements that gamers equip to improve the abilities of their champs. These items provide beneficial effects for tank champions such as stat buffs, passive effects, auras, and active effects, making them feared and deadly.

The main idea behind armor and magic penetration items in League of Legends is to counter these tank champions by exploiting their defensive stats. There are many items that can be used to counter tanks, but today we will talk about the best items against tanks in the game.

What Are The Best Items Against Tanks in League of Legends?

Let’s start with the five best Ability Power (AP) items against tanks.

1. Liandry’s Anguish

Liandry’s Anguish is a mythic item that deals ability damage to burn enemies, causing them to take damage over time. It also provides ability haste.

2. Demonic Embrace

Demonic Embrace is a legendary item that grants ability power and health. It deals damage to enemies and provides bonus ability power based on your bonus health.

3. Void Staff

Void Staff is a legendary item that offers ability power and magic penetration. It is particularly effective against tank champions with high magic resistance.

4. Riftmaker

Riftmaker is a mythic item that provides ability power, ability haste, health, and omnivamp. It deals bonus damage over time and converts bonus damage into true damage when fully stacked.

5. Morellonomicon

Morellonomicon is a legendary item that offers ability power and health. It applies Grievous Wounds to enemies, reducing their healing effects.

These are the best AP items against tanks in League of Legends. Now let’s move on to the best Attack Damage (AD) items against tanks.

6. Kraken Slayer

Kraken Slayer is a mythic item that provides attack damage, attack speed, and critical strike chance. It deals bonus damage on-hit and is especially effective against tank champions.

7. Black Cleaver

Black Cleaver is a legendary item that offers attack damage, ability haste, and armor penetration. It reduces the armor of enemies with each attack, making them more vulnerable.

8. Lord Dominik’s Regards

Lord Dominik’s Regards is a legendary item that provides attack damage and armor penetration. It deals bonus damage based on the enemy’s maximum health, making it effective against tank champions.

9. Serylda’s Grudge

Serylda’s Grudge is a legendary item that offers attack damage and armor penetration. It slows enemies and can be reapplied by damage over time effects.

10. Mortal Reminder

Mortal Reminder is a legendary item that provides attack damage, attack speed, critical strike chance, and movement speed. It applies Grievous Wounds to enemies, reducing their healing effects.

These are the best AD items against tanks in League of Legends.

By using these items effectively, players can counter the dominance of tank champions and gain an advantage in the game. Remember to choose the items that suit your champion and play style for the best results.

You can find detailed information about these items and the full list of the best items against tanks in League of Legends by visiting