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How Does Riot Identify Elo Boosting?

Riot’s Stance on Elo Boosting in League of Legends

Riot Games has banned many players for engaging in elo boosting, despite claims that they don’t prioritize it. While Riot has not provided specific guidelines for detecting elo boosting, there are certain actions and patterns that players should avoid to prevent being banned.

It’s important to note that the most common form of elo boosting involves sharing your account with a booster, which is a direct violation of Riot’s Terms of Service. It is strongly discouraged.

Why Elo Boosting is Forbidden by Riot

Allowing a higher-ranked player to use your account or giving your account information to someone else creates an unfair advantage for your opponents. Riot’s matchmaking system is designed to match players with similar ranks and skill levels, so boosting disrupts the fairness of the game.

How Does Riot Identify Boosters?

Riot has not explicitly revealed their methods for detecting boosters, but players who have been banned for this offense have reported certain factors that Riot combines to determine if an account is being boosted.

Here are the factors Riot may consider:

1. Massive Spike in K/DA: A sudden and consistent increase in a player’s Kills/Deaths/Assists ratio in ranked games may raise suspicions.

2. Change in IP Address: If a player’s account shows an IP location that is far from the usual location when someone else logs into the account, it can be flagged for investigation.

3. Change in Champion Pool: A drastic shift in the champions played by an account, along with exceptional performances on those champions, can indicate account boosting.

4. Change in Summoner Spells: Altering the placement of summoner spells (such as Flash on D vs. F) can be a sign that someone else is playing on your account.

How to Avoid Getting Caught

To avoid detection and potential bans, it’s best to follow these guidelines:

1. Avoid extreme win streaks, as they can appear suspicious.

2. If your booster is in a different location, ask them to use a VPN with an IP address from your region.

3. Maintain consistency in your champion pool and summoner spells whether you or your booster is playing.

Our Final Thoughts on Elo Boosting

This article does not encourage or endorse elo boosting. Our goal is to raise awareness about the practice and its consequences. If you do choose to engage in elo boosting, be mindful of the risks and take precautions to protect your account from being banned.

Let us know your stance on elo boosting and whether you believe Riot should take stricter action against boosters in the comments below.

For more insights into League of Legends, check out our article on why queue times can be so long!
