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Top Lillia Jungle Paths in Season 12 for High Elo

Lillia: League of Legends’ Controversial New Jungler

The release of Lillia, the Bashful Bloom, was met with controversy among longtime players. Many had hoped for a new monster champion, but instead received a humanoid character. Despite this, Lillia is actually a strong AP Jungler and has been showcased in the competitive scene. Her burst damage and max Health damage make her a formidable opponent, and her Ultimate ability can put an entire team to sleep. In this guide, we’ll give you all the information you need to know before playing Lillia for the first time!

Summoner Spells

Flash and Smite are the recommended Summoner Spells for Lillia. While Ghost can enhance her movement speed, Flash is important for escaping dangerous situations due to her squishy nature.

The Best Lillia Runes

Best Runes for Lillia Jungle

The ideal Rune build for Lillia is Dark Harvest as the keystone, paired with Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection, and Ravenous Hunter. For the secondary Runes, opt for Magical Footwear and Approach Velocity for gold efficiency and movement speed.

The Best Lillia Items

Best Items for Lillia Jungle

Recommended starting items for Lillia are Hailblade and Refillable Potion. Liandry’s Anguish is the recommended Mythic Item. Core items include Sorcerer’s Shoes, Zhonya’s Hourglass, and Mejai’s Soulstealer. Other options include Demonic Embrace, Rabadon’s Deathcap, and Cosmic Drive.

The Best Skill Order

Best Skill Order for Lillia Jungle

Max Blooming Blows (Q) first, followed by Swirlseed (E), and Watch Out! Eep! (W) last.

The Best Jungle Paths for Lillia

For the best jungle path, focus on getting an early full clear before attempting any ganks. Starting on the Red Side, you can go for a Red Clear or a Blue Clear. On the Blue Side, you can opt for a Blue Clear or a Red Clear. It’s important to consider factors such as which lanes can provide assistance, potential counter-jungling opportunities, and which lane to gank first. Clear camps efficiently using Lillia’s AOE damage, and look for gank opportunities once you have your Ultimate ability.

The Best Tips and Tricks for Lillia

  • Master the range and mechanics of Blooming Blows (Q) to maximize damage.
  • Use Swirlseed (E) for engaging and setting up ganks.
  • Land Watch Out! Eep! (W) on multiple enemies for high burst damage.
  • Use Lilting Lullaby (R) strategically to pick off enemies or initiate team fights.

Final Thoughts

Lillia may have had a controversial release, but she is a strong AP Jungler in League of Legends. By following our tips and utilizing her abilities effectively, you can dominate the jungle and make a significant impact in games. Stay tuned to our website for more League of Legends content!