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Tips for Achieving an S Rank as a Mid Laner

Want to be the one who leads your team to victory? The mid lane in League of Legends is crucial for securing map control and determining the outcome of the game. In this article, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know to excel as a mid laner, from the basics to advanced techniques.

The Champion Pool

When it comes to the mid lane, there are numerous champion options to choose from. Assassins and mages are the two main types of champions that excel in this position. While there are many champions you can play, focusing on these archetypes will give you a solid foundation.


Assassins like Akali, Talon, and Fizz have the potential to make big plays and secure kills. Legendary players like Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok have built their careers around these champions. Assassins can be mechanically challenging, but they can also be quite straightforward to play.


Mages like Orianna, Syndra, and Ryze provide immense crowd control in team fights and have scaling options. Each mage has its own unique playstyle and strengths, so choose a mage based on your preferences and goals.

Starting Items

As a mid laner, you will typically start with one of the Doran’s items, such as a ring for AP champions or a blade for AD champions. However, there are exceptions, like starting with a sapphire crystal for champions like Ryze. Additionally, always make sure to buy a control ward when you go back to base for improved vision control.

Wave Management

Controlling your waves is crucial as a mid laner. Understanding the basics of wave management can greatly enhance your performance. Remember that one tower hit and one auto-attack are enough to kill a melee minion, while one tower hit and two auto-attacks are needed for a caster minion. You can manipulate waves using techniques like freezing, shoving, and slow pushing.


Freezing a wave near your turret can put your opponent at a disadvantage. By letting the opponent wave push up to your turret and then tanking minion aggro, you can keep the wave in place and force your opponent to overextend to farm safely. This allows you to zone them and potentially set up kills with the help of your jungler.


Shoving involves quickly pushing your wave towards the enemy turret, denying them CS and experience. This is a powerful strategy when your opponent has recalled or is roaming. Use your abilities to clear waves efficiently and create pressure on the enemy turret.

Pushing at a Slow Pace (Only use bot or top)

Slow pushing involves building up a large wave of minions that will eventually crash into the enemy turret if left unchecked. Slow pushes can be used as diversions or to set up plays around neutral objectives like Baron. To set up a slow push, kill one or two caster minions in the enemy wave to build up a larger wave that will slowly push towards the enemy turret.

Difficulties in CS

As a ranged champion in the mid lane, CSing can be challenging due to your low attack speed and basic attack travel time. Take the time to practice last hitting and getting a feel for your champion’s damage output. Getting close to the minions will eliminate travel time and make CSing easier. Aim to reach 10 CS per minute for optimal farm.


Knowing when to roam is key as a mid laner. Mobile burst champions like Leblanc or Talon should look to roam whenever they push their wave into the enemy turret. This is especially effective against farming-focused champions like Anivia.

Map Awareness

Having excellent map awareness is vital as a mid laner. Since you are vulnerable to ganks from all directions, keep a close eye on the minimap. Train yourself to glance at the minimap after each CS to stay updated on the game’s state. Use the F keys to quickly view your teammates’ perspectives. Lastly, play on the side of the lane where you have vision to avoid ganks.


In League of Legends, success as a mid laner requires more than just getting kills. Focus on objectives, map control, and teamwork. Don’t die unnecessarily and prioritize ward placement for vision. By mastering these skills, you can greatly contribute to your team’s success.