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7 Top ADC Junglers in League of Legends

These Champions are the best at farming and excel in various other aspects of the game. In this article, we will focus on their farming abilities during the laning phase and their impact on acquiring gold and XP.

If you’re interested in other roles like Mid and Top, I recommend checking out our articles on the best farming Champions for those roles. It will give you a better understanding of farming and laning mechanics overall.

Now, let’s get into the 7 best farming ADCs in League of Legends. Please note that this list is not in any particular order.

1. Draven

7 Top ADC Junglers in League of Legends

Draven is known for his exceptional farming abilities during the laning phase. His passive grants stacks for each minion kill, and his Q ability allows him to stack even more when he catches his spinning axe. Draven continues to stack his passive throughout the game, making him a threat to the enemy team. He is one of the most powerful ADCs and requires some skill to play effectively.

2. Miss Fortune

7 Top ADC Junglers in League of Legends

Miss Fortune’s farming potential comes from her passive, which grants bonus damage on her first attack against any enemy. She has excellent harassing abilities and can safely farm from a distance using her strong basic attacks. As the game progresses, she focuses more on positioning in team fights and relies less on farming.

3. Caitlyn

7 Top ADC Junglers in League of Legends

Caitlyn is one of the safest ADCs and has the longest range among all ADCs. She can easily farm from a distance without getting too close to the enemy. While she doesn’t have any specific abilities that enhance her farming, her range allows her to secure minion gold and XP without much risk.

4. Jinx

7 Top ADC Junglers in League of Legends

Jinx primarily relies on her basic attacks and doesn’t have any fancy mechanics for farming. She excels in wave clear, but overextending can make her vulnerable to ganks. Balancing between pushing and last-hitting is crucial for Jinx players.

5. Vayne

7 Top ADC Junglers in League of Legends

Vayne’s farming revolves around her basic attacks and her W ability, which grants bonus damage on every third attack. She is a strong split-pusher and is often played in the top lane. Vayne requires some skill to play effectively and is not an easy champion to master.

6. Lucian

7 Top ADC Junglers in League of Legends

Lucian has a spell-based playstyle and relies on his Q ability to harass and push waves. He can farm by last-hitting or slowly pushing the lane, depending on the situation. With his versatility, he can quickly clear waves and join his team in fights.

7. Ezreal

7 Top ADC Junglers in League of Legends

Ezreal is more of a mage than an ADC and relies heavily on his abilities. His Q ability extends his basic attacks and deals additional damage. He is one of the most complex champions to play and requires skill shots to maximize his damage output.

These are the 7 best farming ADCs in League of Legends. Each champion has their own unique playstyle and strengths when it comes to farming. Hopefully, this guide helps you choose the right ADC for your playstyle.