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Top 10 Champions for Teamfighting in League of Legends

Teamfights are crucial in securing objectives and winning games in esports. In this article, we will discuss some of the best champions for teamfights, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses to help you dominate your ranked games.

10. Azir


Azir is a mage played in the midlane known for his ability to wreak havoc in teamfights. With his sand soldiers, Azir can deal significant damage, slow enemies, and control the battlefield. He requires practice to master his mechanics and range, but once you do, he can be a formidable force in teamfights. Azir can initiate fights, separate enemy tanks from their carries with his ultimate, poke and deal damage to enemies, and has a simple escape plan.

9. Fiddlesticks


Fiddlesticks is a jungle champion renowned for his ability to engage and provide crowd control in teamfights. With his ultimate fearing ability and area of effect damage, Fiddlesticks can disrupt and damage entire enemy teams. He excels at engaging fights, dealing damage to multiple targets, and providing crowd control for his team. However, he lacks escape abilities, so positioning and timing are crucial when playing Fiddlesticks.

8. Malphite


Malphite is a top laner known for his tankiness and utility in teamfights. With his ability to soak up damage and provide crowd control, Malphite can protect his team’s carries and initiate fights. He synergizes well with any team composition and can be built as a tank or damage dealer. His tankiness allows him to distract enemies and create opportunities for his team.

7. Gnar


Gnar is a top lane bruiser who excels in teamfights when in his Mega form. With his ranged basic attacks and abilities, Gnar can poke, engage, and provide crowd control in teamfights. His ultimate ability allows him to push enemies away from objectives or engage fights. Gnar is versatile and can be played for offense or defense with his reliable jump ability.

6. Brand


Brand is a mage who can be played in the midlane or as a support. Known for his high damage output and crowd control, Brand is a powerful champion in teamfights. His ultimate ability can bounce off multiple enemies, dealing significant damage, and applying burn damage. He is a reliable source of magic damage and can win fights against multiple enemies if played well.

5. Amumu


Amumu is a tanky jungler who excels in teamfights. With his crowd control and area of effect damage, Amumu can engage and disrupt entire enemy teams. His ultimate ability can stun multiple enemies, making him one of the strongest junglers in teamfights. Amumu is dependent on the late game but can be a great engage tool for initiating fights.

4. Hecarim


Hecarim is an agile jungler who excels in teamfights and engages. With his speed and dashes, Hecarim can quickly catch and eliminate enemies. His ultimate ability can knock up and deal damage to multiple enemies, making him a powerful champion in teamfights. Hecarim’s versatility allows him to build as a tank or damage dealer, depending on the situation.

3. Galio


Galio is a mid-lane mage known for his ability to protect allies and provide crowd control in teamfights. With his engage and disengage abilities, Galio can control the battlefield and protect his team’s carries. He is a substantial source of magic damage and can shield himself while dealing damage. Galio’s ultimate ability can turn the tide of teamfights and help his team secure victories.

2. Diana


Diana is a mid-lane assassin with high damage output and sustainability in teamfights. With her dashes and lifesteal, Diana can quickly engage, deal damage, and sustain herself in fights. Her ultimate ability can be devastating when used on multiple enemies, knocking them up and dealing massive damage. Diana is a great pick for late-game teamfights and can turn the tide of battles with her high burst damage.

1. Yone


Yone, the brother of Yasuo, is a mid-lane assassin with high damage and lifesteal abilities. Yone excels in teamfights with his sustain and ability to catch and eliminate enemies. His ultimate ability can be devastating when used on multiple enemies, knocking them up and dealing massive damage. Yone is a powerful pick for late-game teamfights and can secure victories for his team.