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Top 5 Supports to Pair with Aphelios in Season 12

Aphelios, the champion known for his high damage output and versatile kit, has received numerous nerfs due to his dominance in the game. Despite this, he remains a strong pick if played correctly. He has the ability to switch between weapons, each with its own unique effects, allowing him to adapt to different situations in the game. He can deal damage from long range like Caitlyn, has close range capabilities, and even has crowd control abilities. However, he lacks kiting ability.

To maximize Aphelios’ potential, it is important to pair him with a suitable support. In this article, we will explore five great enchanters that work well with Aphelios.

1. Soraka: Soraka is known for her healing abilities, making her a perfect match for Aphelios. Her passive gives her movement speed when Aphelios is low on health, and she has both poke and crowd control abilities to protect and empower him.

Best Item for Soraka: Ardent Censer. This item increases the healing power of Soraka and provides a boost in attack damage and attack speed for Aphelios.

2. Lulu: Lulu is another great enchanter support for Aphelios. She has excellent shielding abilities and can polymorph enemies that try to get close to him. She can play both offensively and defensively, providing great peeling for Aphelios.

Best Item for Lulu: Shurelya’s Battlesong. This item enhances Aphelios’ kiting and chasing abilities, while also providing movement speed for Lulu to better support him.

3. Braum: Braum is a tanky support champion that excels in protecting his allies. His shield can prevent projectiles from reaching Aphelios, and his passive stun can be extended by Aphelios’ Graviton gun for longer crowd control.

Best Item for Braum: Locket of the Iron Solari. This item increases the defensive stats of nearby allies and provides a shield for everyone within range.

4. Leona: Leona is an aggressive support champion that can engage enemies and lock them down. She has crowd control abilities that can set up kills for Aphelios, and her tankiness allows her to protect him.

Best Item for Leona: Turbo Chemtank. This item enhances Leona’s engaging abilities, allowing her to chase down enemies and protect Aphelios.

5. Thresh: Thresh is a versatile support champion with strong crowd control abilities. His lantern can help Aphelios move around the map and can be used for saving him from dangerous situations.

Best Item for Thresh: Gargoyle’s Stoneplate. This item increases Thresh’s survivability and allows him to engage enemies more effectively.

When playing with Aphelios, it is important to adapt your playstyle based on the stage of the game. In the early game, focus on poking enemies and stacking crowd control abilities. In the mid game, Aphelios will start looking for fights, so pay attention to the enemy team and use your healing abilities to quickly restore his health after burst damage. In the late game, protect Aphelios and use your abilities to peel for him.

Overall, Aphelios is a strong champion when paired with the right support. Choose an enchanter or tank support that can protect and empower him, and adapt your playstyle accordingly. With the right synergy, Aphelios can dominate team fights and carry games.