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Tips for laning against LeBlanc

How to Counter LeBlanc in League of Legends

LeBlanc is a popular champion in every elo due to her strong early game and high mobility as an assassin. However, there are ways to counter her and punish the weaknesses in her kit. Here are some tips to help you deal with LeBlanc in the laning phase.

Do Not Let Her Snowball

As an assassin, LeBlanc’s main job is to kill her opponent and snowball with the gained gold. To avoid this, you should stay away from her kill range in the early game. If you can’t handle burst damage well, it’s better to farm from a distance and avoid trades with her. It’s important to play it safe and avoid dying to LeBlanc multiple times, as it can give her a significant advantage.

Weak Without W

LeBlanc heavily relies on her W for burst damage, waveclear, and mobility. Her W has a long cooldown in the early game, so if you see her use it, you can safely assume that she won’t be able to gap close onto you for a while. This vulnerability can be exploited by junglers looking to gank her as well.

Poor Waveclear

LeBlanc’s waveclear early game is weak, especially without her W. While her Q and auto attacks can be used to last hit, they aren’t effective for pushing waves. This gives you an advantage in terms of wave control. If your champion has better waveclear, you can push the wave and force LeBlanc to farm under turret. This creates opportunities for free recalls or roams to other lanes.

Don’t Stand Near Minions

Since LeBlanc’s W is crucial for waveclearing and trading, it’s important to deny her value from it. Standing near your minions allows her to push the wave and get favorable trades with a single W. By standing away from minions, you force her to choose between trading and pushing, making it easier for you to play the lane. Farming from a distance nullifies her ability to trade effectively.

Level 2 Burst

LeBlanc has a strong Level 2 burst with her Q and W combo. It’s difficult to win trades against her during this level. To mitigate her burst, try to dodge her W. Her Q can’t be triggered without her W or E, so if you can position far enough to avoid her W or dodge it with your own abilities, you can survive the trade and gain an advantage in lane.

Level 6 PowerSpike

LeBlanc’s Level 6 is a big power spike for her burst potential. Her ultimate allows her to mimic one of her abilities and make it even stronger. This versatility gives her a lot of burst potential. Be aware of this and don’t get caught off guard. Play defensively and be ready to react to her combo.

Counter Items

There are several items that can help you counter LeBlanc’s burst damage:

  • Locket Of The Iron Solari: Provides resistance to allies and a shield that can mitigate LeBlanc’s burst damage.
  • Crown Of The Shattered Queen: Can help mages survive LeBlanc’s burst with its safeguard passive.
  • Immortal Shieldbow: Offers a lifeline passive that helps Marksmen survive burst damage.
  • Banshee’s Veil: Provides a shield against magic damage, nullifying one of LeBlanc’s abilities.
  • Maw Of Malmortius: Offers shield and magic resistance for AD champions.
  • Edge Of Night: Provides a spell shield and some health to survive burst damage.
  • Force Of Nature: Offers health, magic resistance, and magic damage reduction.

Counter Champions

If you’re facing LeBlanc in the mid lane, here are some champions that excel at countering her burst or can CC her:

  • Malzahar
  • Swain
  • Veigar
  • Lissandra
  • Karma
  • Vladimir


Dealing with LeBlanc requires caution and respect for her burst potential. Avoid giving her kills and take advantage of her poor waveclear. Use items and champion picks that counter her burst damage. By following these strategies, you can increase your chances of winning the lane against LeBlanc.