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Top Junglers in League of Legends – Unrivaled Power

The jungle role in League of Legends has a significant impact on the game’s macro play. The jungler’s main duties include ganking and taking objectives outside of lanes. As a result, the jungle is home to some of the most impactful and broken champions in the game. In this article, we will list down seven of these broken junglers.

7. Diana

Diana is an AP mage champion with high burst damage. Her abilities make her effective in duels, skirmishes, and team fights. Her passive ability, Moonsilver Blade, enhances her auto attacks with attack speed and ability power. This allows her to clear jungle camps quickly and also push lanes. Her Q and W abilities, Crescent Strike and Pale Cascade, deal damage to multiple targets and provide defensive capabilities. Her ultimate, Moonfall, knocks up enemies for follow-up attacks. With her E ability, Lunar Rush, she can dash to enemies hit by her skills, making her highly mobile.

6. Kindred

Kindred is a champion that benefits from infinite scaling. Their passive ability allows them to scale with every fourth takedown on marked champions or monsters. This scaling allows Kindred to burst down enemies from long distances. Their Q ability, Dance of Arrows, allows them to dash across terrain and quickly clear jungle camps. Kindred’s ultimate, Lamb’s Respite, provides an area of invulnerability for both themselves and their allies. Kindred’s versatility and scaling make them a strong pick in the jungle.

5. Wukong

Wukong is a champion that can be built as an assassin, bruiser, or tank. His abilities provide him with mobility, damage, and deception. His Q ability, Crushing Blow, reduces the armor of his target and deals bonus damage. His W ability, Warrior Trickster, grants him temporary invisibility and creates a stationary clone. His E ability, Nimbus Strike, allows him to dash to enemies and cross terrain. Finally, his ultimate, Cyclone, knocks up enemies and deals continuous damage. Wukong’s flexibility and strong kit make him a formidable jungler.

4. Hecarim

Hecarim is known for his low skill floor and adaptability. His Q and W abilities, Rampage and Spirit of Dread, allow him to deal damage and sustain in the jungle. His E ability, Devastating Charge, and R ability, Onslaught of Shadows, provide him with mobility and engagement tools. Hecarim’s ability to adapt his keystone and itemization based on the game’s needs make him a strong and flexible pick in the jungle.

3. Master Yi

Master Yi is a basic champion that relies on being a “stat check” champion. His Q ability, Alpha Strike, allows him to hit multiple enemies and become untargetable. His W ability, Meditate, provides healing, and his E ability, Wuju Style, adds bonus true damage to his auto attacks. His ultimate, Highlander, grants him increased movement and attack speed. Master Yi’s simplicity and stat-checking capabilities make him a potent force in the jungle.

2. Trundle

Trundle excels in skirmishes and singling out enemies. His Q ability, Chomp, slows down enemies and applies a mark for bonus damage. His W ability, Frozen Domain, increases his movement speed and healing. His E ability, Pillar of Ice, knocks up and slows enemies. Trundle’s ultimate, Subjugate, allows him to steal armor, magic resistance, and health from an enemy champion. Trundle’s ability to control fights and weaken enemies make him a broken jungler.

1. Viego

Viego is a bruiser champion with a unique kit. His Q ability, Blade of the Ruined King, deals damage and applies a mark. His W ability, Spectral Maw, stuns enemies and applies the same mark. His E ability, Harrowed Path, provides camouflage and attack speed. Viego’s ultimate, Heartbreaker, blinks him to a target location and damages enemies. His passive, Sovereign Domination, allows him to possess enemy champions and use their abilities. Viego’s versatility and possession mechanic make him a strong and broken jungler.

When choosing a jungle champion, it’s important to consider your playstyle and strengths. Each of these broken junglers offers unique advantages and playstyles. Ultimately, with the right mindset and skill, any champion can be successful in the jungle role.