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The Grand Finals of TI11 Exemplified Dota 2 as a Truly Global Sport

Soccer vs The International: A Global Phenomenon

The World Cup may dominate the soccer world, but in the realm of esports, Dota 2 has its own pinnacle event: The International. As hype builds up every season, fans eagerly anticipate the tournament, and this year’s TI11 finals saw the representation of 10 countries competing for glory.

Thanks to the regional leagues, teams from different countries and regions come together to participate in TI. While some teams consist of players from the same nation, others boast a diverse range of cultures. Europe, in particular, stands out for its multinational teams, which was evident in the TI11 finals as Team Secret and Tundra represented different nationalities.

With representatives from 10 different countries in the finals, the viewing experience for fans was undoubtedly on another level.

The magic of TI lies in both the representation and the game itself. However, the 10 countries in the finals are just a glimpse of the global reach of the event. A Reddit user created a map that highlights the internationality of TI, showcasing the worldwide talent that came together for this year’s tournament.

Although many countries did not have representatives at TI, the Dota culture continues to thrive in those regions. Every year, watch parties are held worldwide for TI, and local Dota communities find ways to come together and enjoy the game.

esports, Dota 2, The International, global event, regional leagues, multinational teams, worldwide talent, watch parties, Dota communities.