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Check out the top Killjoy setups for Icebox

Icebox: The Best Maps for Killjoy in VALORANT

Icebox is a great map for Killjoy in VALORANT. With its compact layout, Killjoy players can easily hold down either A or B site and still have the option to play around mid. This eliminates the need for excessive rotations between sites, allowing Killjoy to set up sightlines while staying within range of her gadgets.

Moreover, Icebox’s vertical layout works to Killjoy’s advantage. She can cleverly use boxes and elevated ridges to set up her abilities, catching opponents off guard. Most players will be looking on the ground for her Alarmbot or Nanoswarm, making this strategy highly effective.

Here are some of the strongest setups you should learn if you’re playing Killjoy on Icebox for defense:

Defense on A Site

Take advantage of Icebox’s verticality on A site. Set up traps and obstacles at varying heights as opponents push towards the site. Place Killjoy’s turret in one of the windows on top of the site and position her Alarmbot in the maze. For maximum effectiveness, place the Nanoswarm grenades at the default plant location on the right side of the site. This placement can delay the enemy team’s advance if they attempt to plant the spike in its most popular spot.

Mid Defense

Killjoy’s most devastating setup can be used in the middle of Icebox, giving her control over the middle of the map, Tube, Kitchen, and Snowpile. Set up your turret at top-mid to have an artificial sightline of players crossing through the middle of the map or through Tube. Place your alarmbot at the top of Tube, along with a couple of Nanoswarms, to detect any players coming up to Kitchen. By looking out of the window towards the crossover section underneath Tube, you’ll have coverage of three potential enemy player routes through the middle of the map.

Defense on B Site

B site is considered the weakest setup for Killjoy players on Icebox, so it’s recommended to prioritize A site or Mid for optimal value. However, if you do find yourself playing B site, set up your Turret to cover B-long and position your Alarmbot to watch for any flanking players under Tube. Place your Nanoswarms either in the default planting locations or just beyond the exit from B-long. If you get pushed back while solo-holding the site, you can detonate the Nanoswarms and hold a deeper angle until your teammates arrive.

In summary, Icebox offers excellent opportunities for Killjoy players with its compact layout, verticality, and deep angles. By utilizing the recommended setups, Killjoy can effectively control different areas of the map and disrupt opponents’ strategies.

Icebox, Killjoy, VALORANT, best setups, defense, A site, Mid, B site