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Riot Plans to Address VALORANT Micro-Stutters in Upcoming Hotfix

Last week, VALORANT experienced issues with micro-stuttering and lag, which has affected players across all skill levels. Riot is aware of the problem and has scheduled a hotfix for later this week to address the hitching problems.

Players have been experiencing micro-stutters and lag, particularly during combat situations. The hotfix from Riot may not solve every instance of the issue, but they are actively working on finding solutions.

According to a tweet from VALORANT, the hotfix will be released later this week and will help address the hitching problems. They are working to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

Along with the bug causing micro-stuttering and lag, there has also been a bug reported where walking over dead bodies causes lag. It is uncertain if Riot will address this in the hotfix.

The recent issues in VALORANT coincided with the release of the game’s frozen map, Icebox, and the upcoming release of the new agent Skye.

VALORANT, micro-stuttering, lag, hotfix, hitching problems, combat, bug, Icebox, Skye