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Riot Reveals Regional Rifle Preference in VALORANT, with the Phantom as the US Favorite

Rifles in VALORANT: Regional Preferences and Differences

VALORANT enthusiasts are engaged in an ongoing battle to determine the best rifle for gameplay. In a recent tweet, the VALORANT Twitter account shared some intriguing statistics highlighting the preferred rifle of different regions. Let’s dive into the findings.

Regional Rifle Preferences:

The U.S., Mexico, and Korea have chosen the silenced Phantom as their go-to weapon. On the other hand, Brazil, Turkey, and Russia favor the Vandal. These regional disparities provide insights into the diverse strategies employed by players across the globe.

Let’s take a closer look at the notable characteristics of each rifle:

The Phantom: User-friendly and Versatile

The Phantom, preferred by players in the U.S., Mexico, and Korea, boasts several advantages. It leaves no bullet trail, has minimal recoil, and features a larger magazine. These attributes make it a user-friendly choice, although it deals slightly less damage at longer distances compared to its counterpart.

Related article:
Phantom vs. Vandal: Which rifle reigns supreme in VALORANT?

The Vandal: Precision and Power

The Vandal, reminiscent of CS:GO‘s AK-47, is the rifle favored by players in Brazil, Turkey, and Russia. It shoots slower, offers a smaller clip size, and requires greater control. Skilled players, however, can utilize its ability to deliver one-tap headshots at any distance, making it a formidable weapon in the right hands.

Interestingly, the statistics did not include data from Europe, leaving us wondering about the rifle preferences in that region.

VALORANT rifles, Phantom, Vandal, regional preferences, gameplay, user-friendly, one-tap headshots, recoil, larger magazine, smaller clip size, battle