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Ninja declares VALORANT is “currently unplayable”

VALORANT Faces Criticism over Bugs and Issues

The popular game VALORANT has recently come under fire due to numerous bugs and issues that have plagued the gameplay experience. Even well-known streamer, Ninja, took to Twitter to describe the game as “unplayable.”

Ninja Highlights Connection Issues, Glitches, and Cheating

Ninja expressed his concerns about the current state of the game, pointing out connection issues, glitches, and cheating problems. He hopes that these issues will be addressed in a future update.

Reactions Vary to Ninja’s Comments

Public reactions to Ninja’s statement were mixed. Some players agreed with his complaints, while others argued that they hadn’t encountered similar issues, especially regarding cheaters in high-level matches.

Efforts to Combat Cheating in VALORANT

Riot, the developer of VALORANT, has been actively working to mitigate cheating in the game. The Anti-Cheat Police Department has announced the successful removal of most cheats, promising an improved ranked experience for players.

VALORANT Rolling Out Patch to Fix Issues

The VALORANT team has announced that a new patch will be released in select regions to address the reported problems. This patch will specifically target the issues with Sova’s ultimate and a similar problem related to Phoenix. If the patch proves to be stable, it will then be implemented in the Americas region.

VALORANT, bugs, issues, Ninja, connection issues, glitches, cheating, update, reaction, cheaters, Riot, patch.