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World of Warcraft Hotfix Impacts Limit’s Lead in Race to World First

European Guilds Close Gap on North American Guild in World of Warcraft Raid

The European guilds Method and Pieces wasted no time in catching up to the top North American guild, Limit, in the latest World of Warcraft raid.

However, there was a slight setback for Limit. While Method and Pieces were trying to narrow the 16-hour gap between them and the North American guilds, Limit had to relearn a boss they had already come close to defeating due to a hotfix by Blizzard.

Limit spent three hours testing strategies on Ra-den the Despoiled, making progress before Blizzard’s midday hotfix required them to start from scratch.

After getting the boss’s health down to 15.5 percent, Limit had to adjust their strategy and pull the boss 77 times before finally defeating it. Prior to Ra-den, the guild had attempted all seven bosses 57 times.

Understandably, guild members like GM Maximum were frustrated by the change made to the boss during their progression.

“When you release a boss, keep it that way,” he tweeted. “Don’t let a guild get to 15% then completely change a phase.”

Max has been frustrated with changes before. Prior to the raid, hotfixes were made to corruption gear, making it difficult for top guilds to plan for the raid.

“Really wish Blizzard would make changes before heroic week,” he said. “It really sucks for players to put in a ton of time and effort into gearing a character based on the tuning they give us, only for them to nerf it by 8% right before the raid comes out, leaving no time to adjust.”

Method has not yet defeated Ra-den, with their best attempt reaching 17.8 percent HP.

Despite the setback, Limit quickly moved on to defeat the next boss, Drest’agath, in just 16 attempts, adding to their list of World First boss kills. As the top European guilds finished their first day of raiding, Limit now has a significant lead in the overall standings.

European guilds, Limit, Method, Pieces, World of Warcraft raid, North American guilds, hotfix, Blizzard, boss, Ra-den the Despoiled, GM Maximum, frustration, changes, progression, raiding, Drest’agath.